The Gun Confiscation Battle Begins
As you know, the Governor has signed the Boquist/Burdick gun confiscation bill. What you might not know is how few of our friends in law enforcement are even aware of it.
When the courts begin ordering the seizure of guns from people who have committed no crime, things are going to get real ugly in Oregon. So it's time to go to work.
Rest assured, as the effort begins to repeal this vicious attack on our rights, New York billionaires will be pumping a fortune into our state to continue the lies that the supporters of this bill told to pass it. This will NOT be an easy fight but you can do something about it. And you can start now.
Please visit right now to download petitions to refer this bill to the voters. Please share this link with everyone you know who believes in liberty and due process, especially our friends in the rural parts of the state. Then... start gathering signatures. As many as you can.
The Repeal 719 website had both single signer sheets and 10 signature sheets if you are willing to gather other signatures. And why wouldn't you be? These are your guns.
The website has everything you need to get going on this, including info on how to gather signatures and the reasons this bill is so dangerous.
Bring them to your gun club and share them with your friends. We have, and the response has been great.
This is the first part of the fight,a part you can play a major role in. After the referral is on the ballot, we will face a very expensive battle in a campaign against anti-gun billionaires but now we need SIGNATURES. Please do your part.
Teri Grier ~ Bill Post ~ Mike Nearman ~ File Referendum on SB719 Gun Confiscation The Differences Between SB719A & Connecticut's Gun Confiscation Law
Oregon Firearms Federation Responds to Senator Brian Boquist on SB 719
OFF Late Session Omnibus Anti-Gun Bill Introduced