The establishment was against us, the media, Hollywood , foreign governments were against us , the UN was against us and even as they all tried to gerrymander their desired outcome of the election, the great people of the greatest country that has ever been , flipped the bird at all of them proving once again that every time in history that the people have stood up for Liberty… Liberty has prevailed.
The Patriots of this country have had to endure unrestrained tyranny from all levels of Government for nearly eight years, from an unqualified president who hates everything this country has ever stood for. We have endured stress and witnessed corruption that our Framers would never have believed possible. We have had a constant barrage of attacks on our unalienable Natural Born Rights and a Government that has traveled far beyond the scope intended and its powers delegated .
We have averted civil war and possibly world war three for the moment, only to witness the tantrum throwing paid Marxists committing crimes all over our nation and in our State without consequence. Shout it to the world, this isn’t the end, it is only the beginning. Brexit, Bundy’s winning their case, Mr. Trump becoming our new President; and more to come. The world will follow, and the elites Dream of Global Socialism will fail.
A word to the Snowflakes out there in delusion land; we are a Republic under the rule of law, not ruled by a mob of crybabies or by men. You better figure that out soon, because there is a new Sheriff in town, and his name is President Trump. You should probably get a box of crayons and go find a safe room to curl up in with a binky. We have begun to take our country back and our State though challenging, is next. Liberty is our birthright, and we choose to keep it.
In Liberty,
Chris Brumbles
Columbia County Coordinator
Oath Keepers and OFF
Co-State Coordinator, Oregon Oath Keepers
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LTE ~ Rigging Elections Using Three Proven Mechanisms
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