DEQ, promotes lower standard of discharge quality currently available in the industry as of 2016. 13 years, City Staff proceeded to design a plant of a lower standard, than best available technology, DEQ meets minimum NPDS permit standards, and is offering to in-debt the Citizens of Coos Bay with a one percent loan of 26.1 million to build this lessor quality plant.
Yes, most of the City Councils members over the 13 years said yes, voting in a fee structure in the summer 2009, and in 2013 a resolution for a 20 year fee schedule at 6.5 percent. 2015, it was pointed out to the Council, 6.5 percent increase, each year going forward would be overwhelming, burdening rate payers. Several members of the Council acquired magnifying glasses, and started viewing the waste water plant construction plan and fees.
It soon became clear the current plan cost were high, water discharge quality of a lessor standard, and the sewer fees were designed to pay those high cost. The seven member council, including Mayor became divided in their views. These two issues, fees, necessary to support cost, and quality of discharged waste water, on one side, and the other side, just move on with the plans as are, with money from DEQ. The Council was split.
Is there a way to decrease escalating fees and improve discharge, in the short term, 20 years? Yes, privatize the whole operation. Attorney Report, “ Viability of Privatizing”. Currently, a plan called, a DBFO, where a private partner, designs, builds, finances, operates, City owns plant, a shoe, fitting most Councilors foot.
DBFO, can provide cost saving for rate payers. The DBFO bid process, open to all, meeting the specs of the bid, not limited to bidders from the state of Oregon.
Mark Daily proposed motion to the Council to initiate a privatized bid for plant #2, to have a comparison of the current project. He then went a step further to make a motion to start this same process, privatized bid on Plant #1, soon, to be required to meet new NPDES permit standards, requiring plant upgrades. Motion did not pass?
Denny Powell
Coos Bay OR, 97420
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