I believe that DB Western’s proposal to place the facility on the North Spit in anticipation of the next Cascadia Subduction Zone catastrophic event is insanity. This citizen joins those opposed to privatizing the facility. The only winners if privatized will be the overpriced lawyers. I doubt that there is a lawyer west of Maine who could author a legally enforceable contract between the parties with contract performance that is guaranteed by the fiscal resources of a humongous third party (bank, financial institution, etc.), inclusive of significant liquidated damages and penalties articles, that would be acceptable to the parties; a contract that provides immediate and absolute safeguards and legal remedies for the citizens and addresses every known, unknown and unanticipated situation for the next 40 years.
We were informed that the five male city councilors, led by councilor Daily, agreed to form a committee to hire an expert lawyer to determine the merit, if any, of the DB Western proposals. Apparently the mayor, two female councilors, city manager and public works department head were opposed to forming such a committee.
The mayor, councilors, city manager and department heads have a fiduciary responsibility to the citizens. Each has promised to have an open mind in such matters. The mayor, not councilor Daily, should be the city leader, not follower, demanding such a detailed proposal review. The committee proposed by councilor Daily and others may be a waste of valuable time and resources; but, it is totally appropriate. The people deserve to know if there is an apples to apples comparison; if DB Western supported its offer; and if so, why the lower priced alternative offered by DB Western should be accepted or rejected.
It’s long past time for city government to stop discussing and start building. If the proposals are found to be unsupported, further consideration should be rejected. This upwind Coos Bay citizen looks forward to the findings of the Daily committee in a timely manner.
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
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