Brett Webb is a Councilman in the City of Port Orford. He is also a Port Commissioner. Mr. Webb will be proposing a city wide resolution in opposition to the universal gun owner registration bill being rammed through the legislature.
If his resolution passes, Port Orford will join over 20 other counties and cities standing up to the Prozanski/ Hoyle gun grab.
You can see a copy of the resolution here.
Councilman Webb will be introducing this resolution this Thursday at 3:30pm.
You can help. Please send a note in support of Councilman Webb's pro-rights resolution to the members of the City Council.
Jim Billings [email protected]
Caroline Clancy [email protected]
Milton Finch, Sr [email protected]
Francie MacLeod [email protected]
Tim Pogwizd [email protected]
Brett Webb [email protected]
Sample message follows:
Dear Council Member,
I strongly support Councilman Webb's proposed resolution in opposition to an expansion of Oregon's failed background check system to private transfers between friends and family members. As you know, over 20 counties have voiced their opposition to this terrible idea and I am proud to see that you are considering joining them. The current system regularly denies transfers to qualified buyers and there are practically no examples of these denials actually being used to stop criminals. This bill racing through the legislature would even forbid me from safeguarding a firearm for someone who had to be out of town. Clearly, this benefits no one. Please approve this resolution and send a message to Salem that you want to protect the rights of your residents.
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