Since I'm unable to be present, please read this into the public record as my testimony. Thank you kindly.
FR: Tom McKirgan
Concerned Citizen
Coquille, Oregon
RE: Opposition to Oregon SB941 and SB525 et al.
Dear Honorable Senators,
I am not in favor of SB 941 or SB 525 or any new anti gun legislation. These do nothing but infringe on the Second Amendment of only law abiding people and is a serious wanton waste of time and money.
They will not yet apply to criminals, however, with the passage of these bills, the State will thereby create even more criminals to apply the new law to.
I'm a retired peace officer who swore to uphold his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, not to infringe, ignore and destroy it.
As elected representatives of the people, you are required to have a working knowledge of the Constitution, which we find seriously lacking in all government bodies today.
As American citizens, it's all of our duty to defend the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Even if that enemy is YOU; the very ones tasked with an even greater responsibility to uphold the Bill of Rights.
The definition of "inalienable" is unable to be taken away or to be given to another.
No man or body of men has the authority to abridge the inherent Constitutionally protected right(s) of another without due process of law. Our individual rights are non negotiable and can NOT be bargained with.
Honor your oaths by fully defending the Constitutions as required by the supreme law of the land, to wit:
Article VI Clause 3 U.S. Constitution Oath of Office
Article XV Section 3 Oregon Constitution Oath of Office.
Title 18 USC Section 1621 Chapter 79 Perjury
Tom McKirgan
Coquille, Oregon
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