The first Oregon city to consider a stand against the expansion of intrusive background checks will be Myrtle Point Oregon.
On Monday, March 2, the City Council will be considering Resolution 2015-06,"Opposing Expansion of the Firearms Background Check System." Residents are encouraged to attend. The time and location are in this agenda.
We want to thank Councilman Dan Martin for bringing this to our attention and thank the City Council for considering this important resolution. We encourage you to ask your town to take similar action. Coos County may have voted down a resolution, but their town of Myrtle Point is taking a stand.
There is plenty of action on other fronts as well. While almost daily we add counties to the list of places standing up for Second Amendment rights, there are still some who are stalling, making excuses and dragging their feet.
Although commissioners in Benton County have been asked to consider a resolution like the kinds their neighbors have passed, for now they seem reluctant to take action. As we have seen in the past, some Commissioners seem to think it's not their job or they don't see what the "goal" is. Well, as we have seen time and again, it is their job, and the goal is obvious. To send a clear message to Salem about what Oregonians really feel about their rights.
Please consider sending a message to Benton County Chair Jay Dixon asking him to stand up and make a statement for your rights. [email protected] or 541-766-6800
Curry County will again be considering a resolution on March 4th. As you know, this issue was on their agenda on Feb.18th. This resolution is a different version. Be there if you can. The meeting is at 10 am at the County Courthouse Annex in Gold Beach. Please contact the commissioners with a message of support.
The Josephine County Commission has reported that they will be considering a Second Amendment Resolution on March 5th. The Josephine County Commissioners meet at the Courthouse, 500 NW 6th Street, Grants Pass. We believe this meeting will be at 9am, call 541-474-5221 for confirmation. Please attend if you can. Please also send a note of support for the resolution to the commissioners.
Simon Hare [email protected]Cherryl Walker [email protected]
Keith Heck [email protected]
If you have been following the shenanigans in Corvallis, you know that for several months, a tiny group of phobic busybodies have been trying to get the City to erode the rights of gun owners.
It seemed for a while that the City figured out that the proposed attacks were neither wise nor enforceable. But some folks never give up. Here is an interesting editorial from Corvallis's Gazette-Times about next Monday's pending action in that city. For those who want to attend the city council's meeting, the agenda, with location, is here.
Finally, as we told you, SB 385 was heard yesterday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. This utterly pointless and unnecessary bill would have banned licensed carry in Municipal and Justice Courts. Of course, since those courts meet in places that serve many other purposes, like city council chambers, the bill would have greatly expanded the list of "off limits" location for CHL holders even when the courts were not in session. The most ridiculous part of this is that judges in those courts already have the power to ban guns when their court is meeting, and many do. Oddly the judges who requested this bill did not know this was current law. Not very reassuring if you should ever have to appear before them. After explaining this to the committee, they took no action on the bill, but the bill is not dead and we will keep watching it.
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