From: Lydia Plukchi, Compliance Specialist
Date: November 13, 2014
Subject: Initiative Petition 2016-013
On November 13, 2014, the Elections Division received Initiative Petition 2016-013, proposed for the November 8, 2016, General Election.
Subject Provided by Chief Petitioners
Oregon State Integrated Concealed Handgun Carry Act
Chief Petitioners
Ifeanyichukwu Diru
507 King Arthurs Court SE Salem, OR 97302
To begin the ballot title drafting process, chief petitioners must submit 1,000 sponsorship signatures. If submitted, the Elections Division will process sponsorship signatures in accordance with the Statistical Sampling Procedures for State Petitions adopted under administrative rule OAR 165-014-0030.
More information, including the text of the petition, is contained in the IRR Database available at www.oregonvotes.gov.
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