Suchadeal!! You probably noted that the lawyer may bill his $650 (discounted from $795) / hour rate forever. There is no maximum amount specified in the contract. The only thing related to the lawyer’s effort and not billable appears to be the dog walker for his puppy. Apparently there is a related and separate contract with an environmental consulting firm that The World did not publish - probably because they were not aware that the contract may exist.
When all done, the contract obligates the lawyer to provide “legal advice regarding wastewater treatment issues” to the city. However, in the lengthy contract boiler plate (terms and conditions of the contract) the lawyer is only obligated to deliver “contemporaneous ideas”; the law firm does not “guarantee or ensure any result or opinion”.
Say what Councilman Daily? A bunch of taxpayer’s money being spent for a legal opinion that at best is labeled “ideas”. Will the city rely on those ideas in future wastewater matters? What’s next? Please tell us why this is an ohsopeachy deal for the citizen taxpayers; and, please release any other related contract documents to The World for publishing.
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
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