Eleven years ago I authored a web site that was intended to inform local folks about LNG. That site was visited by 1.1 million in 53 different countries. Then and now, I am neither for nor against local LNG. Only you should decide if a LNG factory (possibly factories later), a noisy power plant and flares, a 36” pipeline across your land (private and public) and frequent LNG transport vessels that are the size of the aircraft carrier Reagan are good for your long term interests.
We heard from local LNG supporter and BS Oregon front man, Dick Leshley - again. Mr. Leshley may be a pillar of the community and the best Yellow taxi cab company this side of West Quoddy Head Maine. I do not believe that he intentionally misleads the people with his many letters to the editor in support of local LNG. I believe that he is being misled by the LNG man. His letters, accessible on the Internet, may soon create a stampede of job seeking people to our area jeopardizing your chance for employment.
There is not enough ink in the barrels at The World to continue publishing letters to the editor challenging what Mr. Leshley writes. In Mr. Leshley’s latest letter published 3 October we are informed that the average Jordan Cove Energy Project (JCEP) worker will be paid $90,000 annually. No they won’t. Contemplated agreements with JCEP are governed by Oregon Law (ORS). Several laws relate to JCEP annual wage. One typical law states the JCEP must “annually compensate all new employees hired by the firm at an average rate of not less than 150 per cent of the county average annual wage”. The key words here are “new” and “average”. Using Mr. Leshley’s numbers, we should expect a JCEP average annual salary of $57,000, not $90,000. In the abortion called a Community Enhancement Plan (CEP), a plan soon to be endorsed by your elected and appointed politicians, where you lose control of your tax monies, it is stated that the 150% number ($57,000) is inclusive of benefits. Will JCEP be “hiring” anybody? Where is the written contract document with provisions to flow down these laws to JCEP contractors and subcontractors or successor companies? Where is the legally enforceable written agreement that JCEP will employ only “skilled union workers” as suggested by Mr. Leshley?
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
5 October 2015
LTE ~ JCEP Attorney Demanded Facts & Truth from Citizens, Not Emotion
Coos Bay Alternative Location for Waste Water Treatment Plant Oct. 6, 2015
Bandon Cheese Factory Receives Private Financing & Still Pays No Property Taxes
LTE ~ Leshley Don't Know Dick About the JCEP Work Camp
Jody McCaffree Appeals LNG Road Construction Coos County Planning Oct. 9, 2015
Do Enterprise Zones Work? ~ An Ideopolis Policy Paper February 2011
Educational Enterprise Zone Workshop Roseburg OR Thursday, September 17, 2015
Coos County Planning Decisions on LNG & Effected Roads
LTE ~ CEP appears to be great for Canadian Veresen / JCEP
LTE ~ LNG Pipeline Man and His Bag of Money
LTE ~ Should We Be Worried Dealing with Veresen and the LNG
LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet
Democratic Party Passes Resolution Opposing Eminent Domain for LNG
Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire
Commissioners Campaign Contributors are Champions of Corporate Welfare
Officials Obscuring Facts on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Infestation
Yes to LNG, No to the CEP