Please see the attached Position Announcement for the CWA Program Manager. The position closes December 2 and we hope to hold interviews in the first 2 weeks of December, with a start date in January. Feel free to share this with anyone who you think may be interested - any questions can call my cell: 541.982.0151
And remember our Special Presentation tomorrow night with Alexis Brickner from Coos Watershed Association on knotweed at 7pm in Coquille, hope to see you there!
Thank you for your support!
Kelly N. Miles
Director, Coquille Watershed Association
223 N Alder, Suite D
Coquille, OR 97423
O: 541.396.2541
F: 541.396.2545
Coquille Watershed Association Meeting Wednesday November 16, 2016
Coquille Watershed Association Wednesday, Meeting February 17, 2016
CWA ~ Public Event Solutions to Beaver Flooding Monday September 28, 2015
CWA ~ "Understanding Beaver" speaker Dr. Jimmy Taylor Monday August 24, 2015
CWA ~ Public Screening of 'Salmon-Running The Gauntlet" July 27, 2015
CWA ~ Meeting to Discuss Coos Commons Protection Council Monday, June 22, 2015
Coquille Watershed Action Plan 3.0 - WRCA application
CWA ~ Executive Council Meeting Monday 3/23 - OFRI Speaker Darren Mahr
CWA ~ Meeting Monday February 23, 2015 w/photographer Tim Palmer
CWA ~ Public Meeting South Fork Coquille River Action Plan Monday Nov. 24, 2014
OWEB~Using Public Money to Restore Private Property Right Out of Existence
CWA---Public Meeting "Modern 'Minimalist' Salmonid Supplementation" August 8, 2014
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday June 23, 2014 w/Roger Doll as Guest Speaker
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday, May 19, 2014 w/Oregon Coast Alliance
CWA---Public Meeting Speaker Mitch Lewis, "The Watermaster" Monday April 28, 2014
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday March 24, 2014
CWA---Going Native Public Event February 22, 2014