Coquille Watershed Association 223 N Alder, Suite D, Coquille, OR 97423 (541) 396-2541 Fax: (541) 396-2545
Working Together to Promote Resource Conservation and Economic Stability in the Coquille Watershed
Executive Council Meeting Agenda
November 16, 2016 - Owen Building (Coos County Annex - 201 N Adams, Coquille) - 7:00 PM
We have an exciting Council meeting next Wednesday, Alexis Brickner, Project Manager for the Coos Watershed Association, will be here to give a presentation on the invasive species of Knotweed currently taking over our watershed, the Coos Watershed’s successful history treating knotweed, how they got started and how it’s going nearly a decade later. Coos County has 3 species of knotweed; Japanese, Giant & Himalayan, and all species were brought to the U.S. from Asia by the ornamental trade in the late 1800’s. Due to that fact that the knotweeds have a deep, sprouting root system and can root from small stem segments, non-chemical control methods can be ineffective. Fragments of knotweed less than 2 inches long can create entirely new infestations downstream and expand old infestations, so cutting, mowing or pulling knotweed causes faster and more vigorous growth.
The CWA, with funding from the BLM, Coos County Noxious Weed Board, ODEQ and Coos Soil & Water Conservation District, has surveyed and mapped much of the North Fork Coquille and a portion of Middle Creek for knotweed. We are currently looking into safe, effective control of knotweeds, so we are excited to hear from Ms. Brickner and have her share her knowledge of this difficult invasive, and we look forward to working with willing landowners to treat infestations on their property. Agenda for the meeting is attached, and please share with everyone!
Kelly N. Miles
Director, Coquille Watershed Association
223 N Alder, Suite D
Coquille, OR 97423
O: 541.396.2541
F: 541.396.2545
Coquille Watershed Association Wednesday, Meeting February 17, 2016
CWA ~ Public Event Solutions to Beaver Flooding Monday September 28, 2015
CWA ~ "Understanding Beaver" speaker Dr. Jimmy Taylor Monday August 24, 2015
CWA ~ Public Screening of 'Salmon-Running The Gauntlet" July 27, 2015
CWA ~ Meeting to Discuss Coos Commons Protection Council Monday, June 22, 2015
Coquille Watershed Action Plan 3.0 - WRCA application
CWA ~ Executive Council Meeting Monday 3/23 - OFRI Speaker Darren Mahr
CWA ~ Meeting Monday February 23, 2015 w/photographer Tim Palmer
CWA ~ Public Meeting South Fork Coquille River Action Plan Monday Nov. 24, 2014
OWEB~Using Public Money to Restore Private Property Right Out of Existence
CWA---Public Meeting "Modern 'Minimalist' Salmonid Supplementation" August 8, 2014
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday June 23, 2014 w/Roger Doll as Guest Speaker
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday, May 19, 2014 w/Oregon Coast Alliance
CWA---Public Meeting Speaker Mitch Lewis, "The Watermaster" Monday April 28, 2014
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday March 24, 2014
CWA---Going Native Public Event February 22, 2014