Passing along word of an upcoming meeting entitled
"Modern 'Minimalist' Salmonid Supplementation",
hosted by Tod Jones, President and CEO Redd Zone
LLC, Astoria, OR.
The meeting is
August 8, 2014 6:00 PM
At the OIMB Boathouse in Charleston,
see attached announcement.
Looks interesting!
Have a great weekend,
Kelly N. Miles
Director, Coquille Watershed Association
223 N Alder, Suite D
Coquille, OR 97423
O: 541.396.2541
F: 541.396.2545
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday June 23, 2014 w/Roger Doll as Guest Speaker
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday, May 19, 2014 w/Oregon Coast Alliance
CWA---Public Meeting Speaker Mitch Lewis, "The Watermaster" Monday April 28, 2014
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday March 24, 2014
CWA---Going Native Public Event February 22, 2014
CWA---Coquille Watershed Association Public Meeting January 27, 2014
CWA---Meeting Calendar
CWA---Last Meeting of the Year November 25, 2013
CWA---Executive Council Meeting Monday 9/23
Subject: CWA meeting recap and information
OWEB---Watershed Council Support Update