The Regular Grant Program offers responsive grants across the state for competitive proposals based on local ecological priorities. We’re proud that Oregon is a recipient of significant 2014 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Funds (PCSRF) dollars. This is a testament to the great work completed in support of salmon and steelhead habitat in Oregon. NOAA’s top priority for PCSRF dollars, and OWEB’s grant award in support of that priority, is to fund on-the-ground restoration for salmon and steelhead habitat.
OWEB encourages applications to restore and enhance upland habitat, native wildlife habitat, water quality, and native fish habitat. Watershed restoration from ridge-top to ridge-top is an important component of OWEB’s mission. While there is no OWEB preference for salmon and steelhead restoration projects, we have a unique opportunity to increase the investment in salmon and steelhead habitat projects this year because of the increased amount of PCSRF grant funds.
Restoration Project: Grantee: Beaver Slough Drainage District Project Application Number 215-2000 China Camp Creek Project Evaluation | |
Links of the OWEB Grant Applications Awarded in Region 2
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Thank you for your dedication to improving Oregon’s watersheds and natural areas. For the April 2014 grant cycle OWEB received 153 applications requesting more than $16 million. The Regional Review Teams (RRT) spent many hours evaluating applications. OWEB staff considered RRT recommendations together with funding availability and developed staff recommendations for the Board.
OWEB previously provided applicants with hard copies of all evaluations for their regions. We are now moving fully to paperless distribution of evaluations. Below are instructions for accessing electronic copies of evaluations.
Written comments are due to OWEB by 5:00 p.m. on October 10, 2014. Fax letters to 503-986-0199 or email to [email protected]. Please include the assigned number of the application being referenced. The Board will take public comments and make award decisions at its October 28-29th meeting in Grants Pass.
For questions about the RRT review of your application, contact your Regional Program Representative For questions about staff funding recommendations, contact me at 503-986-0047 or [email protected].
Lauri Aunan
OWEB Grant Program Manager
To Access Application Evaluations:
1. Access OGMS
• If prompted to enter a Log-in ID and Password please use:
Log-in ID: grantee
Password: oweb
• If you already have an OGMS Log-In and Password that will also work.
2. Under ‘OGMS Menu’ choose “Current Application Evaluations and Recommendations”
3. Select the Region you wish to view by clicking.
4. Click the ‘Evaluation’ link to the right of the project name to view the evaluation.
Questions? Contact Ashley Liggett at 503-986-0056 or [email protected].
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