April 28, 29 and 30 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Owen Building
201 N. Adams Street
Coquille, OR 97423
201 N. Adams Street, Coquille, OR
Pre-Meeting Town Hall Discussion
Following a tour of local projects, a subset of OWEB Board members will hold a “town hall” meeting
from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m., to discuss cooperative conservation and restoration in the South Coast
area with interested community members.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
“The Barn” Bandon Community Center
1200 W. 11th Street SW
Bandon, OR 97411
Directions: http://www.bandonbarn.com/contactus.html
Business Meeting – 8:00 a.m.
During the public comment periods (Agenda Items E and F) anyone wishing to speak to the
Board on specific agenda items is asked to fill out a comment request sheet (available at the
information table). This helps the Board know how many individuals would like to speak, and
to schedule accordingly. At the discretion of the Board co-chairs, public comment for agenda
items on which the Board is taking action may be invited during that agenda item. The Board
encourages persons to limit comments to three to five minutes.
A. Board Member Comments
Board representatives from state and federal agencies will provide an update on issues
related to the natural resource agency they represent. This is also an opportunity for
public and tribal Board members to report on their recent activities and share
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Agenda
April 28-30, 2014
information and comments on a variety of watershed enhancement and community
conservation-related topics. Information item.
B. Board Co-Chair Election
The current term of Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Co-Chair Dan Thorndike
ended in January 2014. Co-Chair Eric Quaempts will lead a discussion and vote by
Board members to elect one Board Co-Chair position for a new two-year term. Action
C. Review and Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the January 28-29, 2014, Board meeting in Portland will be presented for
Board approval. Action item.
D. Executive Director Update
Tom Byler, Executive Director, will update the Board on agency business and late-
breaking issues. Information item.
E. Pending Regular Grant Applications
Prior to hearing public comment, Lauri Aunan, Grant Program Manager, will provide
background information on the October 21, 2013, grant cycle.
Public Comment [approximately 10:10 a.m.]
This time is reserved for public comment on pending restoration, technical assistance,
monitoring and outreach grant applications to be considered for funding by the Board.
Only comments pertaining to these specific grant applications will be accepted during
the meeting. The Board will not accept any written materials at this time. Any written
comments pertaining to pending grant proposals must be received by agency staff by
the April 11, 2014, deadline. The Board encourages persons to limit comments to three
to five minutes.
Board Consideration of Pending Regular Grant Applications
The Board will consider grant applications submitted by the October 21, 2013,
application deadline for restoration, technical assistance, monitoring and outreach
grants. Proposals, supporting materials, and funding recommendations will be
discussed and acted on by the Board. Action item.
F. Public Comment [approximately 1:40 p.m.]
This time is reserved for public comment on Agenda Items G, H, I and J, as well as other
matters before the Board.
G. OWEB Effectiveness Monitoring Program
Greg Sieglitz, Monitoring and Reporting Program Manager, will update the Board on
the accomplishments and priorities of OWEB’s Effectiveness Monitoring Program. Staff
also will request the Board award funding for effectiveness monitoring of the Oregon
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program and other priority initiatives. Action item.
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Agenda
April 28-30, 2014
H. Land Acquisition Grant Awards
Meta Loftsgaarden, Deputy Director, and Miriam Hulst, Acquisitions Specialist, will
request Board action on land acquisition grant applications that were received during
the October 2013 grant cycle. Action item.
I. Water Acquisition Grant Awards and Program Update
Renee Davis-Born, Senior Policy Coordinator, will request Board action on water
acquisition grant applications received and reviewed under the newly approved Board
guidance for water acquisition grants. Staff also will provide an update about the status
of the pilot coordinated funder framework approach and the Upper Klamath Basin
Water Lease Funding program. Action item.
J. Oregon Coastal Coho Business Plan
Meta Loftsgaarden, Deputy Director, will be joined by Krystyna Wolniakowski, Director
of the Western Partnership Office of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF),
and will brief the Board on a proposal for a joint grant-making partnership for coastal
salmon strongholds and request funding for the development of local plans. Action item.
Informal Reception – 5:00-6:15 p.m.
The public is invited to join the OWEB Board and staff at a reception
sponsored by the Wild Rivers Coast Alliance.
“The Barn” Bandon Community Center
1200 W. 11th Street SW
Bandon, OR 97411
OWEB---Public Comment on Rules for Watershed Council Grants by March 31, 2014
OWEB---Updating the Watershed Council Map
OWEB---Streamlined Budget Categories for Grant Applications
OWEB---Whole Watershed Restoration Initiative RFP Released & Scheduling
OWEB Grant Request by The Nature Conservancy 2013
OWEB---Public Meeting Focused on Winter Lake Restoration August 29, 2013
OWEB---Seeking public comment on now expired Salmon Season State of Emergency
OWEB---Long-Term Investment Strategy for Conservation
OWEB---Watershed Council Support Update
OWEB---Restoration, Water Acquisition and Technical Assistance applications
OWEB---Proposed Direction for OWEB's Long-Term Investment Strategy for Conservation
OWEB---Post Listening-Session Survey Available
Subject: CWA meeting recap and information
Oregon Water Resource Commission approved the Integrated Water Resource Strategy
2010 Coastal Wetlands Grants
OWEB Listening Session Information & Agenda