Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 9:42 AM
Subject: Designation of Enterprise Zones Available Cities, Ports and Counties
Earlier this year, as most of you know, Business Oregon launched a Round of Designation, and the Newberg and Harney County Enterprise Zones were designated. Both are “rural.”
This message serves first to inquire about serious interest and readiness for a new designation by communities that do not have an enterprise zone, in that it might be possible to launch another such “mini-round” this autumn right away for two designations that are still available under a 2012 Law. So, let us know if at this very moment, your community is so interested and ready?
Regardless, please note that there will be a round starting in January with initial submissions due in April. This 2015 round could include openings for up to six designations:
1. The two available right now—if not otherwise designated by then, of course
2. Two that might be available, because of premature termination effective January 1, 2015, for lack of use by the current zone—Oakridge/Westfir* and *Port Orford*
3. Two enterprise zones that are scheduled to expire by operation of law after 10 years, effective July 1, 2015—Hermiston* and Roberts Creek*—which make this round obligatory.
* Current sponsoring government(s) may seek re-designation in 2015; although they have no particular right to it, if wanting it they always have able to be re-designated.
In either case, the process of local submission and designation is relatively straightforward, but by law:
· There needs to be consultation with local taxing districts (who are sent timely notice for a public meeting)
· Resolutions adopted by the governing body of sponsoring counties, ports and cities (at least a week after the meeting)
· Consent resolution by any other jurisdiction that could but will not sponsor, as allowed (recently adopted at any time before initial due date)
· Clear map and description of the entire proposed enterprise zone boundary (including electronic PDF image and GIS/shape files)
· Proposed area conforms to limits by type of zone on overall size and distance, as well as distance between each noncontiguous part of the zone
· Showing of minimum economic hardship (the agency can assist in assembly and analysis of relevant data).
(Administrative rules also emphasize that the zone contains significant, useable sites for industrial development)
If there are more proposed enterprise zones than designations, then a competitive evaluation is triggered, to which sponsoring governments would have extra time to respond to additional (optional) criteria, some of which are subjective with respect to the zone’s potential for success. Such evaluation has not been needed in more than 12 years, and hardly at all before that, since the 1980s. These criteria involve worthwhile matters to consider for achieving economic development and operating an enterprise zone. Pursuant to the designation, the zone sponsor has six months to finalize certain decisions and actions.
Finally, please note that in 2016 through 2021, three or more enterprise zones are set to expire by operation of law, necessitating an annual cycle of such designation rounds.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Regards,
Arthur Fish, Incentives Coordinator | [Oregon Business Development Department]
503-986-0140 | | Fax: 503-581-5115
(State Lands Building Suite 200, 775 Summer St NE, Salem OR 97301–1280)
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