Sweet gets hot under the collar

As I understand it, Thompson told Sweet that he is supposed to represent the people and that his personal feelings should have nothing to do with his decisions. Then Thompson said something to the effect of, “Unless Arnie Roblan, Caddy McKeown and the Chamber approve you (Sweet) never do what the people want.”
Sweet stood up from his seat and roared, “Goddamit! I am not a slave to those people!” Or words to that effect.
Thompson immediately rose to his feet and said, “Yes you are!”
The pair squared off with such vehemence that a couple onlookers backed up in case they came to blows. Sweet returned to his seat red faced and visibly disturbed.
This is one meeting I wish I hadn’t missed.
Mary Geddry ~ https://geddry.com/2015/03/04/sweet-gets-hot-under-the-collar/
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