We are excited to tell you about our upcoming Executive Council meeting featuring a Special Presentation from The Go Native Project at Bandon High School. Come on out Monday, April 27, at 7pm, and hear what local students are doing to make the watershed a better place!
Below is some news SWOCC sent us about their new associate of science degree program with forestry emphasis:
Coos County invests grant money in workforce development
Coos Bay, OR – The Coos County Economic Development Fund is investing in workforce development at Southwestern Oregon Community College through a $17,000 grant to the SWOCC Foundation, in support of the new associate of science degree program with forestry emphasis. Coos County joins with South Coast businesses and statewide organizations that have contributed to build the Forestry/Natural Resources Program. SWOCC enrolled its first class of students in September and this grant will support the expansion and improvement of the program into its second year.
“The forestry profession has an increasing need for highly trained workers. In fact, the state predicts up to an 11 percent increase in demand for foresters by 2022,” said Mark Wall, SWOCC Foundation president. “SWOCC is uniquely positioned to provide access to that training.” This collaboration between the SWOCC Foundation, private industry and Coos County ensures the College will provide future natural resource industry specialists with the highest-quality instruction and equipment. The college’s new degree program will accept 25 students per year. Students who complete this two-year degree at SWOCC will be ready for entry-level jobs or can transfer as juniors to the Oregon State University Pro School of Forestry bachelor’s degree program.
And I attached the announcement from Beyond Toxics about their upcoming Bee Jubilee in Portland on April 30, contact info here: http://www.beyondtoxics.org/events/bee-jubilee-gala
Agenda for Monday attached, hope to see you there!
Kelly N. Miles
Director, Coquille Watershed Association
223 N Alder, Suite D
Coquille, OR 97423
O: 541.396.2541
F: 541.396.2545
Coquille Watershed Action Plan 3.0 - WRCA application
CWA ~ Executive Council Meeting Monday 3/23 - OFRI Speaker Darren Mahr
CWA ~ Meeting Monday February 23, 2015 w/photographer Tim Palmer
CWA ~ Public Meeting South Fork Coquille River Action Plan Monday Nov. 24, 2014
OWEB~Using Public Money to Restore Private Property Right Out of Existence
CWA---Public Meeting "Modern 'Minimalist' Salmonid Supplementation" August 8, 2014
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday June 23, 2014 w/Roger Doll as Guest Speaker
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday, May 19, 2014 w/Oregon Coast Alliance
CWA---Public Meeting Speaker Mitch Lewis, "The Watermaster" Monday April 28, 2014
CWA---Monthly Meeting Monday March 24, 2014
CWA---Going Native Public Event February 22, 2014
CWA---Coquille Watershed Association Public Meeting January 27, 2014
CWA---Meeting Calendar
CWA---Last Meeting of the Year November 25, 2013
CWA---Executive Council Meeting Monday 9/23
Subject: CWA meeting recap and information
OWEB---Watershed Council Support Update