The next brush and yard debris removal event will be held Monday, June 8. Bandon Disposal will pick up piles of brush and yard debris. City residents are allowed up to a maximum of five cubic yards of brush and yard debris (approximately two pickup loads) at no cost. Simply place your brush and yard debris in the right-of-way alongside the street adjacent to your house prior to Monday, June 8, and Bandon Disposal will pick it up.
If you get missed, contact Bandon Disposal at 541-347-9633 and let them know. Please make sure that your brush is in one pile, since there is a maximum of one pile per address, and no group piles. Keep in mind that this program is for woody yard debris such as branches, brush, gorse, etc., so other items and materials such as metals, appliances, furniture, etc. will not be accepted. Branches must be cut into lengths no longer than five feet. Grass clippings and leaves will also be picked up, provided they are placed in biodegradable paper bags. No plastic bags can be accepted. Also, please avoid placing your pile under overhead utility lines or overhanging trees, since a boom truck is used to pick up the debris. Locate your pile away from fire hydrants and utility boxes, and do not impede sidewalks or pedestrian walkways.
If you have more than five cubic yards of debris, or if you want debris picked up at times other than the three brush removal events, please contact Bandon Disposal at 541-347-9633 for a price quote.
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