The following is an explanation from the attorney for the Chief Petitioner in Columbia County on Judge Grove’s opinion concerning the Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance. The reason our attorney had to write this letter was to show that the judge in Columbia County made a decision on whether or not the Chief Petitioner, Chris Brumbles , could file the SASO as an initiative petition for circulation and not for any other reason.
Some of the county commissioners in other Oregon counties were using the outcome of this trial in Columbia County as a reason to deny the SASO in their county. A few newspapers have published articles making assumptions on this decision that were incorrect. The case was about whether the measure met the criteria for an initiative, not on the constitutionality of its content.
The Oregon Firearms Federation and The Committee to preserve the Second Amendment are committed to defeating the county clerk’s denial to file the latest version of the Columbia County SASO, which our attorney modified according to the Judge’s decision. Our attorney is confident that our legal claims are valid and that the SASO is sound law. We agree with his assessment.
Scroll down to read copies of the documents relevant to this case, including the original filing.
Sincerely, Rob Taylor

2019-05-03 Explanation Letter on Columbia County SASO |
Here is the original filing of the Columbia County Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance with the SEL370 on January 07, 2019. | ![]()
Here is the letter sent from the Columbia County Clerk to the Chief Petitioner denying the SASO for circulation as an initiative petition on January 14, 2019. | ![]()
Here is the appeal from our attorney to the Circuit Court defending the validity of the SASO and the Chief Petitioner's right to file it as an initiative on January 22, 2019. | ![]()
Here is the response from the Columbia County Clerk's attorney arguing against the appeal made by the attorney for the Cheif Petitioner of the SASO on February 06, 2019. | ![]()
Here is the reply to the Columbia County Clerk's attorney from the attorney for the Cheif Petitoner of the SASO on February 15, 2019 | ![]()
Here is a supplemental response submitted by the attorney for the Columbia County Clerk challenging the SASO on March 14, 2019. | ![]()
Here is a supplemental reply from the attorney for the Cheif Petitioner arguing against the supplemental response submitted by the County Clerk's attorney on March 25, 2019. | ![]()
The Judge's opinion. The judge had no opinion on the charge that the SASO was administrative instead of legislative, and that it dealt with more than just a single subject. The judge decided that the SASO did not have the "full text" to qualify it as an initiative and therefore the county had a right to reject it. | ![]()
The Columbia County Clerk asked the court for legal fees since the county won the claim on one count, which was billed to the Cheif Petitioner on April 26, 2019. | ![]()
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Curry County Commission Rejects the SASO ~ Commissioner Boice Still a Supporter
Curry County Workshop for Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance April 24, 2019
The SASO a New Law for the New Year
SASO Denied for Circulation by the Clerk of Columbia County
SASO on the Curry County Commissioners Agenda Wednesday February 6, 2019
LTE ~ Response to Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin for Comments on the SAPO
Coos County Initiative Filed ~ Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance
Sign the Coos County Petition for the Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance
The SASO a New Law for the New Year
Buy a Sign & Support the Right To Keep & Bear Arms! ~ Vote Yes for the SAPO!!!
Press Release: Constitutional Measure IP#8 The Common Firearms Act
County Status for the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance July 16, 2018
SOS 2020 Initiative Petition #6 School Gun Safety Act
Douglas County Ballot Question on the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance
SOS ~ 2018 Initiative Petition #43 Withdrawn by Chief Petitioners
Gun Owners of America Requesting Donations for Oregon Firearms Federation
Grant County SAPO Challenged in Court and County Responds to the Challenge
2018 Initiative Petition #44 Certified Ballot Title
Tom McKirgan ~ Man Behind the Douglas County Second Amendment Ordinance
Status of the Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties May 26, 2018
SOS ~ 2018 Initiative Petition #43 Certified Ballot Title ~ I WILL NOT COMPLY
LTE ~ Speaking Loud & Clear One County at a Time