The Beaver Slough Drainage District
Board of Supervisors will host a public meeting on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in the Owens Building Large Conference Room, 201 N Adams Street, Coquille OR 97420 to facilitate landowner and stakeholder comments.
The Draft EA and associated documents can be downloaded at:

The environmental assessment considers the biological, environmental, and socioeconomic effects of the proposed restoration.
In analyzing the impacts of Project actions, the Service considers a
no-action alternative (status quo) and a preferred alternative (habitat
restoration and tide gate replacement). The preferred alternative would integrate agricultural activities with ecosystem restoration.
This EA will result in a decision by the Service to select this document as fully meeting NEPA requirements for the preferred alternative or select a different alternative. In addition, the Service will issue a finding of no significant impact or recognize there are significant impacts that require Project activities be evaluated in an Environmental Impact Statement.
Comments must be emailed to [email protected] between February 3, 2016, through March 3, 2016, to be considered in the Service's decision-making process.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Bielski at 503-231-6758 or sarah _ [email protected].
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