CONTACT: Teri Grier
PHONE: 520-483-3562
EMAIL: [email protected]
Coos Bay – June 15, 2016 – On Saturday, June 18 from 10:30am – to noon, there will be a workshop for newly elected Republican Precinct Committee Persons PCP’s. The workshop will be held at Pony Village Mall, Room 131.
“We are gathering information about the new PCP’s who were elected in the Primary Election. There were several PCP’s who were elected as a write-in PCP,” said Ron Wiggins, chairman of the Coos County Republican Central Committee. “If you received notice from Terri Trui, Coos County Clerk, please contact me at 541-756-7435 or at [email protected].”
The workshop will provide PCP’s information about their precincts and give each participant tools to help get out the vote. Participants will also receive information about Republican candidates who will be on the General Election Ballot.
The Coos County Republican Women and the Coos County Republican Central Committee are partnering to bring “Get out the Vote” training to Coos County.
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RPCC---Video of Candidate Forum for County Commissioner April 24, 2014
RPCC---Republican Monthly Meeting "Candidate Forum" April 24, 2014
RPCC---Republican Party Monthly Meeting "Candidate Forum" February 27, 2014
RPCC---Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting January 23, 2014
Republican Party of Coos County Monthly Meeting December 19, 2013