ODFW: input needed on proposed South Coast ocean sport and commercial terminal area fisheries
ROSEBURG, Ore – Recreational and commercial anglers are asked for their input on proposed 2016 regulations for ocean sport and commercial terminal area (bubble) fisheries on the South Coast. The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will consider these proposals at their April 22 meeting in Bandon.
The 2016 Chinook salmon forecasts are generally good with the exception of southern stocks. The Rogue and Klamath forecasts are much poorer than recent years, and the Chetco forecast is below average.
2016 proposed ocean terminal area fisheries regulations:
Elk River Ocean Terminal Area Fishery
The 2016 forecasts for Elk River and Sixes River Chinook salmon are similar to recent years, so ODFW is proposing a repeat of last year’s regulations for 2016:
- Sport fishery – November 1 – 30 with a bag limit of two Chinook per day, but no more than one wild Chinook per day and ten per season.
- Commercial fishery – October 15 – November 30 with a landing and possession limit of 20 Chinook per day and a minimum size of 26 inches.
The 2016 forecasts for Chetco River and Winchuck River Chinook salmon are expected to be reduced from recent years. As a result, staff is proposing a shortened season for the sport fishery and reduced quota and landing limits for the commercial fishery compared to last year:
- Commercial fishery – October 10 – 31 with 300 fish quota and five fish per day landing limit.
- Sport fishery – The Commission will consider two options:
Option 2: October 4 – 8, two Chinook per day, but no more than one wild per day.
Option 1 encompasses two full weekends and is likely to result in higher harvest due to increased effort on weekend days. Option 2 includes only one weekend day and likely would result in less effort and a more conservative harvest.
Sport and commercial anglers can email their input to Todd Confer, District Fisheries Biologist in Gold Beach, [email protected] by April 20 or testify at the Commission meeting on April 22 at the Bandon Conference and Community Center, 1200 11th Street SW.
Todd Confer, 541-247-7605
Meghan Dugan, 541-440-3353
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