Candidates are filing for the next election. Without your help, we may soon have a limited choice ballot of professional politicians, politician wannabees and toadies. Candidates are applying for a job as our employee; not for a job as a voice for a few of their cronies. Before voting, select an employee with verifiable and diverse traits and skills. My preferred employee is described below. It’s not too late for your preferred employee to file.
Knows community; meets job requirements; is overqualified; does not consider the position as life - long employment; committed to remain in position full time for full term; understands and accepts the salary; proven track record of experience and verifiable accomplishment in government or industry relevant to the job sought; is geographically desirable.
Squeaky clean character; honest; credible; demands that all government be transparent; earned our trust; respects all equally; not obligated to any person or organization; minimally or not involved as member of other organizations; no conflict of interest; committed to integrity and mutual satisfaction.
Is formally educated; good business judgment and keen understanding of human nature. Leader who we would follow; experienced manager; effectively works openly with other government organizations and the public; proven record of successfully working alone or as a team leader; brings people together; works with subordinates, keeping their confidence; communicates effectively; not impressed with self - importance; takes time to think; asks meaningful penetrating questions; listens open mindedly; able to discern real bottom line issues; plans carefully and has the courage to probe and check information; wisdom to be patient and wait for an issue to unfold; self - confidence based on knowledge and planning; courage to commit to meaningful issues; can see the hidden ramifications of decisions made; makes and effectively argues a decision; complete and concise fact based answers to citizens questions; no strong need to be liked that prevents an ability to disagree when appropriate; works well under pressure and to deadlines; accountable for their actions. Knows how to develop successor and future leaders and managers; not afraid to delegate; does not manage by fear and intimidation.
Fiscal conservative; minimal hiding in executive sessions; verifiable record of cutting costs and increasing efficiency; understands controversial matters such as local LNG, JCEP fees in lieu of taxes, Community Enhancement Plan, Urban Renewal, second amendment, and fiscal shortcomings. Rejects conflict and ambiguity; able to laugh and have fun.
Wishful thinking?
Fred Kirby
Coos Bay
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OWEB ~ County Investment Fact Sheets $14 Million for Coos County Acquisitions
LTE ~ More Transparency for the SCCF
County Planning Reopens Record for Comments Part of LNG Project Dec. 29, 2015
County Planning Approves Weyerhaeuser Co. to Lawfully Create Lots or Parcels
BOC Town Hall on Camping at Bastendorff Beach in Charleston December 2, 2015
AOC Conference ~ OR County Commissioners in Cahoots November 17-20, 2015
BOC Advertising for Finance Director/County Administrator After Voters Rejected It
Vote NO on the Transient Occupancy Tax ~ Measure 6-152
BOC ~ County Dog Board, Prisoner Release, Public Meeting for October 13, 14, & 15
Board of Commissioners Op-Ed for Measure 6-152 Transient Occupancy Tax
Coos Bay Alternative Location for Waste Water Treatment Plant Oct. 6, 2015
Bandon Cheese Factory Receives Private Financing & Still Pays No Property Taxes
LTE ~ Leshley Don't Know Dick About the JCEP Work Camp
Jody McCaffree Appeals LNG Road Construction Coos County Planning Oct. 9, 2015
Do Enterprise Zones Work? ~ An Ideopolis Policy Paper February 2011
Educational Enterprise Zone Workshop Roseburg OR Thursday, September 17, 2015
Coos County Planning Decisions on LNG & Effected Roads