Why Do Coos County Citizens Need and Deserve 'This' "Voice Of The Voters" Home Rule Charter?
This Great Nation was built on a Constitutional Republic form of government.
This means we were given a government where we ELECT our REPRESENTATIVES and they have CHECKS and BALANCES.
Our federal and state governments both have three parts to provide representation and checks and balances: a House and Senate, a President or Governor, and the Judiciary branch. Additionally we have federal and state Constitutions which give rather specific guide lines and limits to the power of the government to dominate and control the citizens. Also there is generally some national and/or state coverage on TV, radio, in multiple newspapers, on talk shows, etc.
At present Coos County is a 'General Law County' with three elected Commissioners. This means your commissioners can, with an 'aye' vote of only two people control the county funds, indebtedness, selling and buying of assets, increase their salaries, delegate their authority, etc. The only limit of their power over the county ( not cities ) is if there happens to be a specific ORS (Oregon Revised Statute ) regulating the issue. There are practically no checks and balances or reviews and very little required notification of their actions, before or after, to the citizens.
With this complete power over county issues they have additionally put forth rules allowing themselves to vote on issues outside of standard Board of Commissioners meetings, plus set rules which deny citizens the right to ask questions or make comments on most issues.
Coos County deserves and needs this non-partisan “Voice of the Voters” Home Rule Charter (Constitution) which gives the citizens control over major expenditures not included in the budget (remember $165,000 X 3 = almost a half a million dollars) , county land use changes, selling and giving away your county assets, etc, etc.
Regardless of your view point, it gives all citizens the right to vote on these issues and more.
Read this “Voice of the Voters” Home Rule Charter...... Then PUT IT IN WRITING!
Vote Yes on ballot measure 6-149!
Thank You,
Jaye Bell
Coquille, Oregon 97423
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