Coos County Veteran Service Officer, CCVSO, is moving to Oregon Coast Community Action, ORCCA, Building, in Coos Bay, four days a week, remain in VSO office in Coquille one day a week.
The move, recommended by Eric, the County Vet Rep, and supported by John Sweet, County Commissioner, includes $90.00 a month office. A large community reception area and check in desk, where our Veterans will have to wait for appointments and assistance due them for Service to our Country, along with families waiting for free government services that ORCCA administers
At the time of hiring this new CCVSO, John Sweet was new as a Commissioner, and decided to move the CCVSO to North Bend, County Health, under the Mental Health Department. Word got out, he was advised that Vets, seeking services from the Veteran Administration, VA, were not mental and did not like the broad brush of Veterans having mental issues.
Veterans seeking services from the VA, do not seek hand outs, nor ask for more than they were promised for their duty and service to their country.
Again, the broad brush, Veterans, seeking Services will have to go to the Community hand out center, in a waiting room with non Vets to seek VA services.
The Coos County Commissioners need to Man/Woman up. The County Veteran Service Officer was hired to work out of the County Veteran's Office in Coquille Oregon, Vets now, will be forced to go to ORCCA, in Coos Bay for Veteran services.
Veteran Denny Powell
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