Commissioner Sweet has a real public perception problem when it comes to voting on issues like the LNG and anything to do with the Coquille Indian Tribe. He apparently has received money from the Coquille Tribe and a Natural Gas Political Action Committee. In the near future, he will have to decide on a road proposal that would allow the Coquille Tribe to manage a portion of Coos County's roads.
It sounds like a good way to get money from the feds, but there are always strings attached and this specific tribal government has a reputation of not abiding by the contracts they have made in the past. Just ask the citizens of North Bend about a hotel tax the tribe promised the city for their casino.
It would be wise to remember that upon a public request, Sweet never released the answers of a survey he took for the tribe during the last election cycle. He still refuses to release his answers to this day. What does he have to hide from his constituents?.....Rob T.
Commissioner Sweet Received $500.00 from the Coquille Indian Tribe
Commissioner Sweet Received $250.00 from A Natural Gas PAC
Link to SOS office and The Committee to Elect John Sweet
BOC---County Road Master Responds to Concerns About Tribal Road Proposal
Commissioner Sweet Responds to Constituent on Coquille Tribal Road Proposal
Letter to Editor---BOC Has Major Discrepancy with the Coquille Tribal Road Proposal
Letter to Editor---Open Question to Coos County Head of Road's Department
BOC Meeting Bandon mosquitoes, Coquille Indian Tribe Road Proposal July 15, 2014
Letter to Editor---Shocked at Vote By Coos BOC in Support of AmeriCorps
Letter to Editor---Open Question to Commission Sweet About SCCF
BOC---County Meeting to Hire AmreiCorp, Discuss SCCF Tuesday July 1, 2014
City of #coosbay Hiding Documents on the South Coast Community Foundation
BOC---Enterprise Zone Agreement for Jordan Cove Energy Project LP in a Resolution
BOC---Cowardly, Commissioners Cribbins & Sweet Betray the Voters of Coos County
Unanswered Questions about the South Coast Community Foundation
MGX---CEP/SCCF will Impact ALL of Oregon
AFP---Information on the CEP/SCCF Presentation at the Red Lion on May 1, 2014
Letter to Editor---SCCF Should pay for Coos Bay Sewer Upgrades
Letter to Editor---Promises in the Dark with the Jordan Cove Project
BOC---Public Meetings Coos County Planning Changing Land Use Laws
Letter to Editor---County Politicians Keeping Public in the Dark on SCCF
RPCC---Republican Monthly Meeting "Candidate Forum" April 24, 2014
Critique of the BOC Town Hall in Bandon---"PUT IT ON THE BALLOT"
BOC---Public Meetings on South Coast Community Foundation "Put it on the Ballot"
BOC---Public Meeting for Vote on South Coast Community Foundation April 1, 2014
Letter to Editor---South Coast Community Foundation Scam will Top All Past