I wanted to thank all the people who showed up to defend their right to bear arms. I especially want to thank Tom McKirgan, Connie Martin, and Wally Shoults for speaking on the panel of experts and presenting their arguments to the board for a Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance. The person I want to thank the most is our County Sherriff, Craig Zanni, for speaking up for the people of Coos County. He made a very intelligent and elegant speech on the need to protect our rights. We are very lucky to have such a good person as our top law enforcement officer.
All of the participants were excellent speakers and there were over 30 people in the audience, a dozen or so got up and spoke out on the issue. However, Commissioners Cribbins and Sweet are not supportive of an ordinance or a resolution opposing any more laws regulating background checks. The two commissioners seem to be confused on what their jobs are in their position on the board.
They discussed the issue after listening to an hour of testimony in favor of the proposal, one against, and the Board decided to draft a resolution and bring it back for a vote at their next meeting on Tuesday February 17, 2015. At that time, we will need every able body person to show up, sign in, and speak out to persuade the two holdout members of the board to make the right decision. Tell them they have a duty to protect the people by allowing the people to protect themselves.
Please call, and email the Coos County Commissioners and let them know it is time to take a stand. It is time to pass a resolution opposing any further limitations on the Second Amendment.
John Sweet
(541) 396-7541
Email: [email protected]
Melissa Cribbins
(541) 396-7539
Email: [email protected]
Robert "Bob" Main
(541) 396-7540
Email: [email protected]
Sincerely, Rob Taylor
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