From a Watchdog in Curry County:

Thank you for the many letters of support, phone calls, and for voting. The main point in this email is how looking at the same information from a different perspective can result in a real eye opener.
One additional update will follow shortly regarding a Curry Coastal Pilot “Uh-Oh” moment!
Below is a Letter to the Editor published Oct. 29, 2014 in the Gold Beach and Brookings newspapers. Thank you Bob and Linda Thain:
Tom Huxley
Letter to the Editor |
How to Keep Your Campaign Finance Expenses and Contributions Low
Questions Remain on the Current State of Curry County's Finances
Rebuttal to #CurryCounty Workers Pay Increase Article in Coastal Pilot
Write-in Candidate for the City of #CoosBay Congratulations for Another Choice
Bandon Voters Get Your~Vote NO on Measure 6-150~Signs Available NOW
LTE~ A Package of Rancor for Coos County Commissioner John Sweet
LTE~ Response to "The World" Article on the "Home Rule" Charter in #CoosCounty
MGX~Lobbyist a Big Waste of #CoosCounty Money for Wagon Road Lands
Commissioner Sweet's Family Farm Mentioned in Emails on Bandon Biota Exchange
Commissioner Candidate Refuses to Disclose Answers to a Questionnaire
Letter to Editor~ #Coos Bay Citizens should understand the job of Mayor
#CoosCounty Commissioner Candidate Debate October 8, 2014 in Coquille
#CoosCounty Releases List of Local Candidates in November General Election