Outstanding Resource Waters are high quality waters that constitute an outstanding state resource due to their extraordinary water quality or ecological values, or where special protection is needed to maintain critical habitat areas. The Environmental Quality Commission adopted Oregon’s ORW policy, part of the state’s antidegradation policy, in 1991 and may be found at OAR 340-041-0004(8). To date, no waters have been designated ORWs in Oregon.
The Environmental Quality Commission granted a citizen petition for rulemaking to designate the North Fork Smith River and its tributaries ORWs. DEQ has initiated rulemaking proceedings on the rule amendments proposed by the petition, which include policies to maintain and protect the existing water quality and ecological values of these waters. The rulemaking process will include an opportunity for public comment on the proposed rule language.
DEQ has appointed an advisory committee to provide input on the draft rules. The committee's first meeting is as follows:
Monday, October 17, 2016
1-5 p.m.
Douglas County Fire Protective Association
1758 NE Airport Road
Roseburg, OR 97470
Teleconference call-in number: 888-278-0296
Teleconference participant ID: 8040259
The public is entitled to attend this meeting, but not to participate in the meeting. Later in these proceedings DEQ will accept public input on, and will hold a public hearing about, the proposed rules.
You can obtain more information by viewing DEQ’s OSRW web page: DEQ OSRW page
For more information, contact:
Aron Borok
[email protected]
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