I just received notice that the Bandon Citizen Committee has on their Agenda a discussion of the Johnson Creek Dam and Enlarging the Bandon Marsh. The CCI or Committee for Citizen Involvement is trying to change the vote of the Bandon City Council to YES on the Bandon Marsh Expansion.
The people on the CCI would like to see the City's full support for the expansion. This coming election will determine how these votes on the council will form and we have to be ready to react. Contact your friends and family and encourage them to attend this meeting.
We have to be there Tuesday, September 11 at 5:00 pm in Bandon City Hall with large numbers of people ready to speak up. Property owners inside the zone have to show up ready to make statements. This is a key battle against the Bandon Marsh Expansion. It's interesting that this is happening on 9/11.
Also, this is the same group that convinced the Bandon City Council to enact the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance, which was promoted by the USFWS. The funding for the lighting project is also on the Agenda. We have to stop them now, before they contaminate the rest of the county.
Here is the Agenda, with the date, time and address of the meeting:
"City Manager" <[email protected]>
Date: September 6, 2012 4:06:15 PM PDT
Subject: City of Bandon Committee for Citizen Involvement Agenda - September 11, 2012
5:00 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Approve Minutes
2.1 July 10, 2012
3. Agenda Review/Additions
4. Public Comment
5. Discussion
5.1 What is the purview of the CCI?
5.2 Committee Vacancy (one from another standing committee)
5.3 Public Forum re: Johnson Creek Dam
5.4 Public Forum re: Enlarging Bandon Marsh
5.5 CCI Web Page
5.6 Grant Money for replacing street lights that fit the Lighting Ordinance
5.7 Alternate Transportation (Dial-a-Ride, walking paths & bicycling)
6. Adjourn
Council Chamber is accessible to the disabled.
For services contact City Hall at 347-2437 Voice; 711 TTR;
e-mail: [email protected] City web site: www.ci.bandon.or.us
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