Moving Forward with Mosquito Control at Bandon Marsh Refuge
Under the Supplemental Environmental Assessment for Tidal Marsh Restoration, the Service selected its preferred alternative (Alternative B). It will reduce mosquito breeding pools through improvement of tidal flow throughout the restored tidal marsh in the Ni-les’tun Unit of the Refuge. Eliminating mosquito habitat will prevent mosquito populations from expanding and will provide long-term control of mosquitoes. The work to expand the network of tidal channels is scheduled to begin in early summer 2014.
Under the Environmental Assessment for Mosquito Control, the Service selected Alternative B for implementation. Alternative B relies solely on the use of a naturally derived larvicide called Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, or Bti, to control mosquitoes on the refuge. Bti targets mosquito larvae and is not toxic to bees, moths, butterflies, fish, mammals, or birds. Under this selected alternative the Service will not use synthetic chemical larvicides (e.g. methoprene and CocoBearTM) to reduce mosquitoes on the Refuge. After evaluating public comments collected between March 11 and April 9, 2014 and discussion with mosquito experts, the Service determined that using Bti will effectively control mosquitoes on the Ni-les'tun Unit while posing a low risk to wildlife, their habitats, and the human environment.
Monitoring, which began in early April and will continue throughout the summer, is a key component of the Integrated Marsh Management Approach. Results will be used to determine when and where to apply Bti. The Service expects this approach to minimize the number of adult mosquitoes being produced on the Refuge while using the least amount of larvicide necessary to accomplish the objective. Larvicide use will only occur on the Ni-les’tun Unit of the Refuge. The Service provided funding to Coos County Public Health to hire a field technician to monitor mosquitoes on the Refuge this season and to contract with Vector Disease Control International to apply Bti as needed.
The Service evaluated and responded to comments received on the EAs. This information, the EAs, FONSIs and more are available for review on the refuge’s mosquito web page
For more information on mosquitoes on the refuge, please visit:
Coos County Public Health:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex2127 SE Marine Science DriveNewport OR 97365541-867-4550[email protected]
BOC---Public Meeting Vector Assessment & Control Advisory Committee May 1, 2014
Letter to Editor---They're Back, The Mosquitoes are here....
USFWS---Public Comment Integrated Marsh Management in Bandon by April 9, 2014
BOC---Shared State-County Services and Mosquito Abatement
USFWS---Post Card & News Release on Bandon Marsh Mosquito EA March 11, 2014
USFWS---Public Comment & Meeting for Bandon Mosquito Control March 18, 2014
Mosquito Armageddon: One Mosquito Bite Can Change a Life Forever
The Bandon Marsh Mosquito Farm
CCT---The Mosquito Survey of Impacts and Damages
CCT---Bandon Marsh Mosquito Meeting September 21, 2013
BOC---Town Hall on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Source Control September 6, 2013
USFWS---Public Responses to the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Invasion
Letter to Mr. Lowe of the USFWS about the Bandon Marsh Mosquitoe Problem
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