Below is a message to our County Commissioners from Roy Lowe of the USFWS. He wanted to let all you people living in and around the Bandon Marsh area know that the USFWS has decided that there was no significant impact due to the Bandon Marsh Mosquito infestation. There is no impact to spraying chemicals where it was never needed before.
This is good news, because you all can go outside and enjoy mother nature.
If you see mosquitoes or feel their bite it is just a case of an over active imagination. That's right, the entire situation is in your mind and you will need to seek professional help for YOUR problem. Now all our worries are over thanks to the USFWS and their efforts to reintroduce malaria and encephalitis. We owe them a debt of gratitude or was that attitude?
Whether you are for spraying or not, does not really matter, because before The Service took down the dikes and flooded the marsh there was no need to spray. There were no mosquitoes, because the landowners, 100 years ago, solved the problem by DIKING THE MARSH AND DRAINING THE SWAMP.....Rob T.

"Lowe, Roy" <[email protected]>
"John Sweet" <[email protected]>,
"Bob Main" <[email protected]>,
"Melissa Cribbins" <[email protected]>
Subject: Mosquito Management
at Bandon Marsh
Dear Commissioners Cribbins, Main and Sweet:
I wanted to inform you that the US Fish and Wildlife Service has reached a decision on mosquito management at Bandon Marsh NWR and we completed our NEPA process yesterday when Regional Director Robyn Thorson signed Findings of No Significant Impacts for our two Environmental Assessments. As you may recall one of the EAs addresses the additional tidal marsh restoration construction (long term or permanent solution) and the other EA is for the use of larvicides to kill mosquitoes (short term) until the marsh restoration is functioning well.
I have attached a copy of the news release, the FONSIs, and the response to public comments. We have also updated our web site to provide this information to the public at
Unfortunately, it appears a flyoff of mosquitoes is about to occur which can't be stopped at this point. We have been working very closely with Rick Hallmark (CCPH), the county employee hired to do monitoring, and with your contractor VDCI. A shipment of the larvicide Bti was ordered by VDCI but was inadvertently shipped to the wrong state! We were able to obtain a loan of Bti from Multnomah County MAD so one of our employees is transporting the material from Portland to Bandon where it will arrive tonight. It is my understanding that VDCI will begin application of larvicide this weekend and do their best to remain on top of things the rest of the spring and summer. Construction for the new tidal marsh channels will go out to bid later this month with construction beginning in late June or early July. We are currently working on a joint press release with CCPH to inform the public that larvicide treatment will begin this weekend, but there will be mosquitoes out in the next few days.
Call me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Roy W. Lowe, Project Leader
Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex
2127 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, Oregon 97365
541-867-4550 work
541-270-1864 cell
[email protected]
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USFWS---Moving Forward at the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Preserve
BOC---Public Meeting Vector Assessment & Control Advisory Committee May 1, 2014
Letter to Editor---They're Back, The Mosquitoes are here....
USFWS---Public Comment Integrated Marsh Management in Bandon by April 9, 2014
BOC---Shared State-County Services and Mosquito Abatement
USFWS---Post Card & News Release on Bandon Marsh Mosquito EA March 11, 2014
USFWS---Public Comment & Meeting for Bandon Mosquito Control March 18, 2014
Mosquito Armageddon: One Mosquito Bite Can Change a Life Forever
The Bandon Marsh Mosquito Farm
CCT---The Mosquito Survey of Impacts and Damages
CCT---Bandon Marsh Mosquito Meeting September 21, 2013
BOC---Town Hall on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Source Control September 6, 2013
USFWS---Public Responses to the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Invasion
Letter to Mr. Lowe of the USFWS about the Bandon Marsh Mosquitoe Problem
Department of Interior---Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations AKA The Coquilles
USFWS---Bandon Marsh Expansion Meeting Friday August 30, 2013
The Nature Conservancy---Contact the Oregon Leadership Team
USDA---National Resources Inventory Summary Report 2010, not good for OR-Farms
Congressman Peter DeFazio Votes in favor of more Land Acquisitions
The Bandon Marsh---Xerces Opposes Bandon Marsh Spraying
Promoting the Bandon Marsh at the Oregon Film Festival
Federal Register taking comments on hunting in The Bandon Marsh
The Nature Conservancy---Oregon Grasslands: Crucial for Wildlife Survival
US Department of Interior Propaganda Press Release on Imaginary Economic Engine