Farm and Forest Landowners,
The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners to help them improve water quality, forest health, soil health, and treat other natural resource concerns they have identified.
Landowners who are interested in natural resource management improvements can request assistance through our office any time, however funding cutoff dates are in early-January and early-March this fiscal year. If you are interested in program funding this year, please contact us as soon as possible to initiate your project planning.
Conservation programs that may be of interest to landowners in Coos and Curry Counties include:
Ø Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers in order to address natural resource concerns and deliver environmental benefits. The following program areas are available now:
· Agricultural Water Quality & Quantity: improve livestock management and/or irrigation to enhance pasture cover and reduce sediment loss
· Collaborative Forest Health-Middle Fork Coquille River: improve Forest Health through pre-commercial thinning and forest management
· Irrigation Automation Cranberry/ Blueberry: Improve water management, energy consumption through automated irrigation, localized moisture monitoring
· Organic Initiative: Helping organic growers and those transitioning to organic
· Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative: Improve local marketing of produce by extending growing seasons.
Ø Conservation Stewardship Program: (CSP) maintaining and adding conservation activities on agricultural land and nonindustrial private forest land.
Ø The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) provides financial and technical assistance to help conserve agricultural lands and wetlands through easements.
Ø Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Pays FSA cost-share, incentives and annual rentals to landowners who restore and exclude livestock from riparian areas.
Ø Conservation technical assistance, farm plans and future projects. We can help you identify resource needs and practices to address them by conducting an inventory and developing a Farm Plan.
Landowners who are interested in any of these initiatives or would like technical assistance dealing with natural resource issues on their property should call us or come in to discuss available programs and assistance. Please phone (541) 396-2841 extensions 105 or 107 or visit us at 382 North Central Blvd.
Amy Wilson, District Conservationist, 541-396-2841 ext. 105, [email protected]
Amy Wilson - District Conservationist
Natural Resources Conservation Service
382 N. Central Blvd, Coquille OR 97423
Phone 541-396-2841 ext. 105
Fax (855) 651-9159
Why does the Government Own & Hoard Resources?
USDA---National Resources Inventory Summary Report 2010, not good for OR-Farms
USDA---Rural Development Funding Opportunities
SAOVA_West---Lawsuit filed against APHIS Retail Pet Store Rule
USDA---Endangered Species Act Section 7 for State & County Offices
RCGI---Latest vote on the NDAA 2014 November 21, 2013
US Senate---O&C Land Grant Act of 2013
USDA---2013 Farm Subsidy Database
Natural Resources Committee---How ESA Settlements are Harming Local Economies
Port Orford---Government Ownership equals Poverty and hungry children