I want to thank all the people who took time out of their day to attend this non-meeting. I believe a couple of
city councilors are manipulating this committee to control the outcome. Since the “powers that be” realized
they tipped off the public to their actions they decided to change the
parameters of the committee’s mission.
The Bandon City Manager decided that the below Agenda items should not be the "purview" of the CCI and therefore the committee should not have a discussion. In other words, he convinced the committee to change the agenda items to fit the new parameters, and that way the committee could avoid conducting the public forum on these subjects. We were blocked out of the public input by administative procedure, which should be an example of why the county does not need a county Administrator. However, to their credit, the committee, and Mrs. Hundhausen allowed the people in attendance to speak. Thank You...
Agenda Items not in the PURVIEW of the CCI:
6.3 Public Forum re: Johnson Creek Dam
6.4 Public Forum re: Enlarging Bandon Marsh
6.6 Grant Money for replacing street lights that fit the Lighting Ordinance
We stopped them from conducting the meeting the committee really wanted to have. I agree that this is not in the purview of the CCI, but the committee made the action in the first place. We have to be there anytime local governments become intrusive and this was the perfect example of a low-level committee grabbing for to much power.
Related Posts:
Bandon Planning Commision's PUBLIC HEARING ON Outdoor Lighting
VERY IMPORTANT: Bandon Citizen Committee Agenda and the Bandon Marsh
UPDATE: The Committee to Keep the Lights ON in Bandon
Meeting to discuss the reasons to repeal Bandon City Lighting Ordinance 1594.
Sign the Petition to Keep the Lights ON in Bandon---Vote NO on
the Bandon Outdoor Lighting Ordinance 1594
Bandon: The City of Ordinances