On May 2, 2015, Senator Jeff Kruse and Representative Wayne Krieger will be holding a series of Town Halls. Starting in Brookings, they will then go on to Gold Beach and on north. The schedule will be:
Brookings at the College 9:00 AM
Gold Beach at City Hall 10:45 AM
Port Orford at City Hall 12:30 PM
Bandon at the Barn 2:15 PM
Coquille City Chambers 4:00 PM
Senator Kruse and Representative Krieger will be talking about the Legislative Session and how it will affect our District.
Senator Kruse will highlight transportation and school issues. He is on the Senate Education Committee; Health Care Committee, Vice-Chair; Judiciary Committee, Vice-Chair; Human Services and Early Childhood Committee; and Implementing Measure 91 Committee.
Representative Krieger has been working heavily on the natural resource and dependency issues. He is serving on the House Judiciary Committee; Public Safety Ways and Means Committee; and is Vice-Chair of the Natural Resources Committee.
They would like to hear your comments and concerns and look forward to seeing you there.
If you are interested in reading Kruse's past newsletters please click on my webpage link below: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/kruse