In my last article I explained the first two sections of Agenda 21 and how the U.N. created an international bureaucracy to control the global economy under the guise of environmental and economical “sustainability.”
Most U.S. citizens do not know that this international agency is developing into a global government and that it has meticulously infiltrated the legitimate governments of the world, both nationally and locally.
Agenda 21 is the title for this international action plan. The Agenda has 4 sections. The first two sections define how commerce and the natural resources from every country will be controlled and regulated. Sections III and IV deal with how this universal kingdom will indoctrinate governments and their people into a new
global system using international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations, and finally, a socialization process promising a new worldwide egalitarianism and Local Agenda 21.
Section III is STRENGTHENING THE ROLE OF MAJOR GROUPS. In order for The U.N. to be able to
save anyone, it will first have to make victims out of everyone, with special emphasis on workers, woman, children and indigenous people. Divide and conquer is their strategy. They will use age, race, sex, and class
warfare as one means to achieve the Agenda. The categorization and compartmentalization of all humans into a minority or special interest group will be necessary to create the need for U.N. protections from discrimination.
Chapter 28 of this section is the most menacing to local communities. It sets up Local Agenda 21 and the auxiliary bureaucracies that will regulate and indoctrinate this new conglomerate of local governments. They have created “The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives” (ICLEI), specifically designed to
form alliances with local municipalities. This agency will establish contracts with local communities legally
obligating them to this new international authority, which basically supersedes their own national governments.
Section IV is MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION. This is the final section of the agenda. The U.N. will establish financial institutions with unlimited monetary resources and the mechanisms to provide this funding. One such
institution, The International Monetary Fund, will use the U.S. currency as the global standard. The IMF will make loans in large amounts to third world countries that lack the economic ability to ever pay back the debt.
Garnering control of obligated collateral is essential to establish dominance over those countries and their assets, which mainly consists of natural resources.
Under the guise of cooperation, the U.N. will force the transfer of environmentally sound technology and capacity-building, using science derived from the data collected as described in the first two sections.
They will promote education, public awareness and training on environmental and economical sustainability”according to their new-age, new-found, new-world teachings.
The agenda will force international institutional contracts by means of international legal instruments and mechanisms. These arrangements come in the form of Free-Trade Treaties between nations. They will
construct international courts that will have the power of enforcement, backed by U.N. troops. The U.N. will provide information for decision-making to all the member countries to control economic and environmental policies.
“Sustainability” is the collectivist code word for conquest. The relenting use of this word will make it a worldwide cultural axiom. The U.N. prints millions of pages of propaganda littered with this profanity. The very definition of the word is “central planning” and “central planning” is the core principle of good old fashion “socialism.”
Replace the word “sustainability” with the word “socialism” and learn the fraudulent meaning hidden in its twisted terminology.
It would be nice to be able to blame an evil organization bent on total domination for the ills of the world, but Americans do not want to face the awful truth. Lifting the veil of the UN Conspiracy reveals the reality of our own American“central planning.” Most of what is in the Agenda came from American Planners and it was they who used the U.N. as the utensil of universalism.
Almost a century before Agenda 21, America had already fallen down the path to the centralization of government power through “central planning.” Now, it is these planners and “Big Government” that is our largest export. Agenda 21 is an American agenda and it would be better to fight this “central planning” plague from within and on a local basis.
Still, Agenda 21 and Local Agenda 21 are more than the imaginary hobgoblins of the suspicious mind. The cities of Portland and Eugene both have entered into legally binding contracts with the (ICLEI), and
this ideology is filtering down throughout the surrounding areas. Ideas, even bad ones, are easily transmissible and it will eventually infect the entire state, unless, we find a cure, or are able to inoculate ourselves from its capacity to absorb our freedoms.
Fortunately, there have been some success stories in thwarting The Agenda. Carroll County, MD, Amador County, CA, Montgomery County, PA, Edmond, OK, Las Cruces, NM, Spartanburg, SC, and Albemarle County, VA are the first of many places that are fighting back and breaking away from their contracts with the U.N.’s (ICLEI). Check the website at ICLEI.org, click the Members tab and do a search for your city or county’s name.
An unlisted local government does not mean you are safe. Watch your local officials carefully. City Planners and County Planners are “central planners,”and they will always have a tendency to over-regulate the property owner. In Bandon, the taxpayer is under attack from local City Planners and there is little time before……
“Rob Taylor was the original organizer of the TEA Parties in Coos County and is currently an independent activist working to promote the rights of the individual.”
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