Imagine a scenario, where the place, the time and the participants have the allure of an international thriller, involving leaders of countries from around the globe, including a U.S. President, conspiring with an evil organization bent on total world domination and the destruction of the American way of life.
The place was Rio de Janerio in June of’92. There were 108 heads of state that came to the sunny beaches of Brazil to betray the allegiances of their governments. A total of 172 countries had representatives at the United Nations conference on Environment and Development, also known as, “Earth Summit”. President George Bush (senior) was the presiding president representing the U.S. at this summit of sedition.
It only took 10 days, but the U.N. and these evil-doing dignitaries ingeniously concocted the most authoritarian plan to control the world ever seen. They were going to execute this diabolical task by convincing the global
population that the earth is in the midst of an environmental apocalypse, that we are doomed to certain destruction, and that they have the plan to “SAVE THE WORLD.” All the world would have to do is capitulate. Their collectivist code word to complete this objective is “sustainability,” economically and environmentally.
There were five major documents to come out of this conference:
The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
The Statement of Forest Principles
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
Agenda 21
On many differing levels these new agreements induced leaders and non-governmental organizations into this scheme to usurp the authority of legitimate governments and the rights of the individual. Immediately, all of these declarations had obvious positive results, until the negative effects became evident to citizens in local communities. Modernized Nations noticed a loss in industry and economic freedom concerning trade, production, and consumption. The most menacing of the five binding works is the comprehensive plan on sustainability, titled “Agenda 21.”
“A21” is the document formatting the framework that will be the foundation of a new and very powerful international bureaucracy, which will regulate everything. Trade, manufacturing, development, lifestyle, and all natural resources will be the domain of this newly constructed and centrally controlled global government. This new entity will be to the U.N. what the Commerce Clause is to the U.S. federal government. The U.N. calls it their Comprehensive Action Plan.
Most people do not understand the consequences of obligating ourselves to international treaties. The impact of this summit alone threatens the sovereignty of our country. Treaties ratified by the U.S. Congress, and signed by our president, are legally contractually binding on our people. Congress ratified, and Bush signed this informal treaty to come out of “Earth Summit” called, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change “UNFCCC.” However, that nonbinding treaty set the precedence for future environmental agreements that are legal obligations.
Agenda 21 has 40 chapters broken up into 4 sections, with each section defining the progression of levels designed to slowly erect this “New World Order.”
Section I is SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DIMENSIONS. This section establishes international agencies to redistribute wealth from the first world nations to the third world nations. It also deals with keeping records on consumption patterns on the populations of the different countries involved in the plan. When this data is collected it will then be used to change the consumption habits and develop what the U.N. believes is a
more “sustainable”way to feed, clothe, and house a nations people using international welfare& healthcare programs. There will be set standards for what every individual can and cannot consume and how much.
The world’s population will change through demographic relocation. Global systems will use the data derived from all the corresponding agencies to make everyone in the world socially and economically equal.
Here is a direct quote: “The resulting systems of integrated environmental and economic accounting (IEEA) to be established in all member States at the earliest date should be seen as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, traditional national accounting practices for the foreseeable future.”
The U.N. will institute new intrusive mechanisms to measure and analyze poverty and its relations to the environment. Those of us in wealthy countries will have to forfeit some of our hard earned wealth to our brethren who live in poor countries---all because of the U.N.’s perverse sense of fair. People are going to lose control of their property, the public lands and the natural resources of their home country---all to serve and sacrifice as global citizens in this new global village.
Section II is CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT. This section describes the political apparatus the U.N. will use to apply control of Earth’s atmosphere. They have developed an integrated approach to the planning and management of land resources, deforestation, desertification, while promoting “sustainable” agriculture, mountain and rural development and the conservation of biological
diversity. They will assume charge of protecting the oceans, all enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, and all coastal areas. The Agenda mentions “broad and multidimensional” means to achieve these goals without precisely laying out the details.
Agriculture, Fishing, Forestry, and Mining are the base industries of any economy. The real purpose of Section I & II is to regulate commerce and the four base industries of every country, thus taking full control of their economy. Whoever controls a country’s economy controls that country. This is the first step in their action plan. The next step will be to accomplish these goals by infiltrating governments on the local level, such as your city or town, using section III & IV and another U.N. initiative called “Local Agenda 21” or “LA21”. In part two of this series I will describe...............
“Rob Taylor was the original organizer of the TEA Parties in Coos County and is currently an independent activist working to promote the rights of the individual.”