February 12, 2012
It was a little before 3:00 am on Saturday when I received the Power Point Presentation, which was going to be shown at an important meeting that day concerning the Bandon Marsh Expansion.
Everyone in the group worked diligently to get all of the information and material compiled.We had to present the immense amount of material in a way that could be coherent to the public.It is a very detailed subject, which encompasses several issues.The information has to be linked together with verifiable data, using many different sources.
All of this would be fruitless if it were not for those unsung heroes, many of whom we call neighbors.They work with no reward, nor a thank you, but act on a keen sense of principle.Bonnie, the talented lady who has
put together the map we use to identify property owners, has been absolutely professional in organizing our meetings. She designed our signs and bumper stickers with the highest of quality.
The good people at The Farm Bureau have gotten the word out all over the county.Beau Allen and Kevin Westfall have used their expertise and wealth of contacts to further tell the story.Their work has helped
propel this issue into the public eye.They have been trying to get our representatives to take notice, but it is a daunting task that takes the skill of diplomacy and the patience of steel to deal with the political arrogance.
Sharon Waterman has become a citizen lobbyist over the last couple of years, proving that fighting for ones property rights is an equal opportunity battle.She found the report published by the Oregon Watershed
Enhancement Board titled Coquille Valley Wetland Conservation and Restoration Proposal dated June of 2010.
This article links The Bandon Marsh Expansion and The Winter Lake Project, plus it exposes another 3000 acres that is under consideration for possible acquisition.The Bandon Marsh Expansion combined with this proposal would eliminate 7500 acres of prime real-estate right off the books.It seems Coos County is under attack by government bureaucrats.
One rancher, Ken Hershey, has been able to give us a direct history of the place.He tracked down the parcels as we toured the expansion area.We went out last week to see the marsh with local biologist, Daniel Varoujean, who was able to build the scientific case against this ecological and environmental disaster, which will come in handy when we have to face off against the experts on the other side.
These people are the real treasure of Coos County and it shows there is more than just the dollar value of the property. They represent an intrinsic value, the wisdom, talent and experience we have cultivated in our little
community. We may never be able to replace these folks once we lose them and that could be the real tragedy here and it is one of the most important reasons to stop this federal land grab.
The meeting in The Barn was a success. There were over 150 people in attendance, with the majority opposed to the marsh expansion.We had two county commissioners, the Mayor of Bandon, two city councilors and several candidates in attendance.If the US Fish &Wildlife Service did not know there was an opposition to this expansion, they do now.
We are still asking for people to contact Senator Wyden and Merkley and Congressman DeFazio.It is important to keep up the pressure with relentless determination.Keep writing those letters to The Public Lands
Committees in both houses, because we have to keep fighting the good fight.
On Friday we are having a Potluck and a forum on Property Rights will be presented by The Coos County Tea Party with keynote speaker, Randal O’Toole, a Senior Fellow from the CATO Institute.He will be in Coos Bay at the ESD Building, 1350 Teakwood Ave, starting at 5:00 PM and everyone is welcome.Please bring your favorite dish, whoever that might be.Big Daddy Steve Noorlander will be serving his world famous tacos.
Then on the 20th of February we are going to have a protest for Senator Merkley’s Town Hall Meeting at Marshfield High school on Ingersoll.This will start at 1:00 PM and we should show up a little early with some, “NO Bandon Marsh Expansion” signs.VIVA LA FIRST AMENDMENT.
To find out more information go to www.CoosCountyWatchdog.com.
“RobTaylor was the original organizer of the TEA Parties in Coos County and is currently an independent activist working to promote the rights of the individual.”
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