The following article is from The Oregon Catalyst, so click the link to read the entire piece. Most committees for cities and counties are absolutely useless and are used to shelve the ne'er-do-wells and goody-good doers. However, the Budget Committee is where all the skeletons are revealed. Usually, these meetings are not filmed by the local public access TV station. Remember to always follow the money and that is done by checking the books. Dave Berg is right on the mark with his current article.....Rob T.
Get involved in your local government budget committees!
by Dave Berg
“The best way out of a difficulty is through it.” - Will Rogers
A couple of years ago I wrote an article saying that budgets mean choices and the easiest choice is “doing nothing”. Many communities in Oregon no longer have this option after the impact of years of “tax & spend” policies. Why? These policies have eroded their reserve of general fund revenues. They have often used “urban renewal” to promote special interest projects, only to see funding for core city services like police, fire, and streets stagnate. At the same time the cost for providing these critical core services escalated and cities had limited general fund monies to pay for them.