The Oregon King Tides Photo Project is a community based science effort launched in 2011 to document the highest winter tides of the year, beach erosion and coastal flooding. Please join by taking and sharing photographs - You can help document the impacts of rising sea levels, because winter storms and king tides offer a glimpse of what flooding and erosion due to future sea level rise will look like in our coastal communities.
When will these tides occur? The projected highest tides this winter on Oregon’s coast are Nov. 14-16, Dec. 12-15 and Jan. 10-14, 2017.
What makes a good king tide photo?
• Photos that show waters levels adjacent to a fixed feature like a piling, seawall or bridge abutment. Including fixed features will allow actual water levels to be documented and tracked over time.
• Photos also must include the location, date and time the photo was taken, and the viewer’s direction for each picture.
• Two photos taken from the same spot, one during the king tide and the other at a typical high tide are also very effective in highlighting these high water events.
• Photos in and around estuaries are especially important, as those low-lying areas tend to experience the most impact.
The photo project is supported by the CoastWatch program of the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition and Surfrider Foundation, as well as the Oregon Coastal Management Program. Need more information? Check out the Oregon King Tide website: