This is from ARRRG. They are promoting the home charter in the file below. The Jim Bice Show will be discussing this Charter in an effort to get people to read it for themselves. I have not made a decision to support this or not to support this change, but I know there are a lot of good changes in the document.
Hi All,
Jim Bice has scheduled us on his Monday program ( 3-5 pm June 4, dial 630am ) to discuss the Charter (Coos County Constitution) ballot measure for November. Anyone wanting their own Charter need only e-mail us or
[email protected] and request a copy. Our purpose is to get as many people as possible to read the words for themselves. (We have found some of those summarizing the Charter seem to have a problem reading the English language.)
We would be very happy for any assistance in gathering signatures to put the Charter on the ballot for November. Each and every single signature will be important! The signature sheets have to be turned in
approximately August lst. Let's allow the voters to decide if they want this 'Voice of the Voters' document to hold the Commissioners' feet to the letter of the law of if they prefer an appointed Administrator make all the decisions for them. (The attorney connected with this document is the attorney who won against the secret meeting Commissioners in Lane County.)
Please feel free to telephone in during the program (541-267-2124 ) and ask any questions you like, or make statements. Most of you will probably know many instances that brought about each and every item in the
While the Charter may need tweaking in some spots we believe it covers most of the problems we have all had over the years keeping the Commissioners representing the people. Thus the reason for the groups name-ARRRG ( Americans for Responsible, Responsive, Representative Government), or, as Garfield would say...ARRRG!
Jaye Bell
Ronnie Herne
ps: If there is something in the Charter you do not agree with, remember, this is a County Constitution and therefore can be changed by a vote of the people. Times do change and Charters can be amended.

final_home_rule_charter_by_aaarg_may_9_2012.pdf |