There are those who believe the ghosts of the dead presidents haunt the halls of the White House. Some believe these spirits have powers to inspire the decisions of current and future Presidents, but it was rather surprising to find that the lingering ghost of Richard Nixon has possessed President Obama.
The President can now claim ignorance for all his ills, because he has found someone new to blame for everything, including his enemy’s list. It was Nixon’s fault for why the Attorney General’s Office is spying on the Associated Press reporters. Nixon went as far as to change the talking points on the consulate attack in Benghazi. The shamed former president whispered into the ear of the Secretary of State and told her to make excuses to the US Senate Hearing about this foreign policy disaster. Nixon cajoled the IRS to bully the Tea Partiers---all for personal political payback. As President, Nixon despised dissenters and these actions sound like the modus operandi of the paranoid and the guilty. Yes, it is the ghoulish works of that horrible specter, The Ghost of Tricky Dick.
The IRS scandal will be the worst one yet for the administration, because everyone has a natural distain for that agency. The IRS used delaying tactics to stall Tea Party Groups from establishing a “501(c)4”. The IRS tried obtaining information not pertaining to the process and it was clearly nontax information that the agents requested from these organizations. Ideology is the reason the IRS tagged their applications. Three of the targeted grassroots groups are located here in Oregon.
Jeff Kropf from Capital Watch, Richard Burke from Western Liberty Network, and the Pacific Freedom Foundation claim the IRS targeted their groups when they tried to form a non-profit. Their leaders complained that the IRS harassed them when they applied for tax-exempt status and they believe the agency singled them out, because of their conservative beliefs. The chill running down your spine is not the conjuring of a passing ghost; it is the cold steel feel of suppression.
The scandals facing President Obama stem from the same old problem that always occurs with big government. The bigger the government the bigger the problems created by the bureaucracy. Government is a bad manager and the more segments of society and the market that it tries to manage the more times it will fail. Those systemic failures create scandals that morph into vexations on the soul of any presidency. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy repeated throughout history.
Americans have to become administrative exorcists. We must learn how to empower ourselves and find the mechanisms to limit the authority of government. The Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership has a school to teach people how to deal with these types of progressive poltergeist. The Republican Party of Coos County is proud to announce plans to have The Political Leadership School teach our residents how to fend-off government ghouls.
The Political Leadership School will be in session on Saturday June 1, 2013, here in Coos County at the Red Lion Hotel 1313 North Bayshore Dr. Coos Bay, OR 97420.Registration will be between 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and the class starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. and goes to 5:00 p.m. The ticket Price is a moderate $35 a person and that includes lunch. Together, we can take back our liberty and restore America!
The Foundation’s Political Leadership School is not a class on political philosophy or ideas. This is practical, no
nonsense, and tested information on how to be effective in politics.
This intense one-day training covers:
The Real Nature of Politics - why just "educating" people alone won't result in change
The Biggest Lie in Politics - and how the political class uses your convictions against you
How to work effectively at the Capitol - getting a bill sponsor and a roll call vote despite the leadership
How to build a group - putting pressure on legislators
All of the Foundation’s instructors have years of experience putting these principles to work in multiple states, including Oregon. They have worked for the cause of freedom with organizations such as National Right to Work Committee, National Association for Gun Rights, and Campaign for Liberty as well as federal, state, and local campaigns. This includes major presidential campaigns and successful campaigns for U.S. Senate and Congress. They know what works to get politicians to vote properly and protect our individual rights.
The class will teach you how to turn your passion into effective action. You can find more information and a link to the class registration form at www.CoosCountyWatchdog.com. We sincerely hope you can join us before we are all suffering the sinister sounds of rattling chains and aching moans from a ghost of presidents past defensively exclaiming that famous mantra, “I’m not a crook.”
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