At their December 5, 2011, meeting, the City Council reviewed, discussed, and heard public input regarding
the proposed U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Comprehensive Conservation Plan & Environmental Assessment for the Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge.
The City Council decided to express support for only one item in the proposed plan. That item is "Facilities - Alternative B," which reads, "Place emphasis on partner-oriented facilities and distribution of information.
Participate in a community-based visitor information center off the Refuge." The City believes the proposed visitor information center should be constructed in partnership with Bandon Urban Renewal on the recently purchased former cheese factory property, adjacent to the proposed new cheese factory. This would provide a very visible, centrally located site on Highway 101, and would be the most efficient, effective, and economical means of advising and educating the public regarding the National Wildlife Refuges. This alternative will provide information to the largest possible number of people, will aid the United States Fish & Wildlife Service in recruiting volunteers, and will have very positive economic impacts on the operating and maintenance budgets for both the City and Bandon Marsh. The comment letter submitted by the City strongly recommended that this item be included as the "Preferred Alternative" in the Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge Plan.