Josephine County Oregon had a really close nail-biter of a race in their County Commissioner race Position 3 between Walker and Just. Below is a really good article that sums up the problem in our county and the rest of the country. Rob T.
Here are the results with a letter sent out just before the election.
County Commissioner, Position 3
Vote For 1
Cherryl Walker. . . . . . . . 16,967 49.87%
Bob Just. . . . . . . . . . . 16,876 49.61%
WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . . . 177 .52%
Total . . . . . . . . . 34,020
Over Votes . . . . . . . . 17
Under Votes . . . . . . . . 6,053
Throughout the nation, individual freedom, liberty and property rights have been lost to government by bureaucracy. Nowhere is the process of that loss better illustrated than in the career of one of our current County Commissioner candidates: Cheryl Walker. In her campaign disclosure in the Voters’ Pamphlet, she boasts a career in the Department of Agriculture as a Construction and Services Contracts Officer, property manager and administrative law hearings officer. This demands some elaboration.
A federal agency such as the Forest Service, in the Department of Agriculture, or the BLM, in the Department of the Interior, is first and foremost charged with the implementation of federal law in the form of Congressional
statutes. This is a proper and appropriate function of the executive branch of government. Unfortunately, Congress has also delegated to federal agencies the power to enact rules and regulations with the force of law. These executive agencies have thereby been empowered with legislative authority. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has found that this incorporation in violation of the concept of separation of powers is a practical necessity. To complete the total disregard of limiting federal power by way of checks and balances, Congress has also passed an Administrative Procedures Act whereby agencies such as Agriculture and Interior conduct their own judicial review of disputes between the agencies and individuals arising under agency rules and regulations. Thus, one and the same federal agency is vested with executive, legislative and judicial authority. They get to write their own rules, enforce them, and judge disputes when challenged. This is unchecked government by bureaucracy.
Ms. Walker’s career illustrates the process in action. She has boasted of her experience in implementing Agriculture policies, her years of expertise in drafting their regulations and finally she has also boasted that because of her expertise she was rewarded by appointment as an administrative hearings officer (administrative law judge). This in spite of the fact that she is not and was not an attorney. Note that her campaign disclosure indicates she “attended Willamette University College of Law.” There is no indication of successful graduation. Thus, the citizen confronted with a trial over a regulatory dispute with the agency gets to have his case heard
by an agency employee who may very well have drafted the very regulation in dispute. He gets a judge who has not only failed to complete a legal education but who has also never stood for and passed a bar examination regarding her knowledge of fundamental legal process. Is it any wonder that one cannot successfully sue the king in the king’s court?
The system that has evolved is evil and destructive of all concept of individual freedom and liberty in the face of government control. Cheryl Walker is part and parcel of that evil. We elect her Commissioner of this County at our peril.