October 02, 2012
The local chapter of the county Republicans had former Coos Bay City Manager Bill Grile as guest speaker at their monthly meeting on September 27, 2012. He was there to speak in favor of Measure 6-144 the County Administrator Ordinance, which was perfect for him since he has spent his entire career as the consummate government bureaucrat.
Mr. Grile has worked to centralize authority as a city planner and later as a city manager. He is the best spokesperson for bigger government and those who want to erode the representative form of government and replace it with a socialist system more conducive to government development and redevelopment. The proponents of this new system claim it will streamline county government. However, there have been no details as to exactly how this new government agent and this new government agency will complete that task.
Since the beginning of time there has never been an instance where creating more administrators made government smaller or more efficient. It certainly does not make government more responsive to the individual. There are many terms to describe an administrator, such as agent, baas, boss, bureaucrat, chief, controller, director, executive, functionary, gaffer, governor, head, manager, mandarin, minister, officer, official, organizer, overseer, superintendent, supervisor, and top dog. The proper term for a female administrator is administratrix, but the one word missing from that long ominous list is the word Representative. Administrators are the antithesis of Representatives and their only function is to serve the administration and not the people.
There are current models for us to examine already to ascertain the wisdom of having yet one more “administrator” to manage our affairs. Take, for example, our school administrators–our school systems are currently failing, because there is no public accountability. Our schools have delivered an endless parade of graduates that cannot read nor write. Our cities are another fine example in failure. The City Manager/Administrator acts as the head of these municipalities and their governing bodies now have unpaid councilors on their boards. The system is set-up where the elected representatives now work under the guidance and direction of administrative professionals. Our cities are in debt, our schools are in shambles and the administration is always looking for new revenue streams to secure these financial obligations and that usually comes in the form of higher taxes and fees. These examples show why the voter has to defeat the County Administrator position and Vote NO on Measure 6-144.
Proponents of the county administrator position often claim it will help the county function like a business. The
problem with that statement is that government is not a business and it will never properly function as one.
The job of government is to protect the individual from force and fraud, but government cannot be an arbitrator and practice business at the same time. This is the main problem with big government. Once it starts to enter the domain of the private sector, it loses all objectivity, which eliminates any chance for equal justice. Business functions to make a profit, government functions to serve the people. In the private sector, your employer can fire you, making your employer the boss. Conversely, in a Constitutional Republic, you can fire the government, but they cannot fire you, making you the boss and that is the best argument for separation of business and government.
The debate for more bureaucracy is not new, especially for this country. Our constitution is a derivative of our escape from the administrators of the king, which spawned the inception of the United States. England used its administrators to keep an imperialistic iron grip on the Provinces of the crown. In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh used administrators to whip obedience into the slave labor that built the pyramids, right before they made their exodus into the unfettered freedom of the unknown desert. Communist Russia had an administrator for every aspect of the human experience and today we correctly use the Russian word Czar to describe the endless administrators loitering in the Halls of Congress and the meeting rooms of our capitals. I think Frédéric Bastiat captured the best explanation to oppose administrative tyranny in the last passage of his famous book, The Law, written in 1848. Moreover, here is the best reason to Vote NO on Measure 6-144 and Vote NO to the Administrator.
"God has given to all men all that is necessary for them to accomplish their destinies. He has provided a social form as well as a human form. And these social organs of persons are so constituted that they will develop themselves harmoniously in the clean air of liberty.
Away, then, with quacks and organizers!
Away with their rings, chains, hooks and pincers!
Away with their artificial systems!
Away with the whims of governmental administrators, their tariffs, their government schools, their state religions, their free credit, their bank monopolies, their regulations, their restrictions, their equalization by taxation, and their pious moralizations!
And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgement of faith in God and His works."– Frédéric Bastiat, The Law
“Rob Taylor was the original organizer of the TEA Parties in Coos County and is currently an independent activist working to promote the rights of the individual.”
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