July 11, 2012
Charleston, OR the Board of Commissioners met at the OIMB Boathouse for the first regular meeting after Independence Day. It would have been another ordinary meeting with few items on the agenda, but there was one very controversial item. The topic of the Governance Committee Report and the BOC’s next step had filled the room with people eager to hear how the board was going to proceed with this issue.
Commissioner Parry opened the discussion to public comment where several citizens proclaimed their opposition to the creation of a County Administrator position. One person informed the Commissioners that there was a group of citizens ready to file a referendum petition if the Board voted to create this new county manager position without going to a public vote. There was only one person who spoke in favor of this new position and that person was a member of the Governance Committee.
After a brief public discussion Commissioner Parry made a motion to create a county Administrator and increase the Board to five Commissioners. Then Parry explained that he would want to put that question on the ballot in the November election, so the electorate could decide whether or not there should be an administrative change to the way the county is structured.
These new commissioners would be elected at large and not from districts. Commissioner Bob Main opposed the idea and suggested the group go through the regular process of filling an Initiative Petition to put this issue on the ballot. He also thought putting this measure on the ballot was not fair to other groups who have asked the Board to put their initiatives on the ballot and was denied. Commissioner Fred Messerle was supportive of the idea of an administrator position being created and seconded the motion to draw up the ordinance. The motion passed with Parry and Messerle voting in favor of the measure, Commissioner Bob Main voted against it.
When this process is completed for the November election, the voters of Coos County will have to make some very important decisions. There could be a scenario where on the ballot the voters will be asked to decide on the Home Rule County Charter, The County Administrator and the creation of two new commissioner positions, not to mention the advisory question on the Bandon Marsh Expansion and the County Urban Renewal Amendment. However it shakes out this fall it looks like it will be a full slate on the ballot coming this November.
“Rob Taylor was the original organizer of the TEA Parties in Coos County and is currently an independent activist working to promote the rights of the individual.”
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