I had a phone conversation with one of our group who had met with the City Manager yesterday. There were two meetings. The first one got out of hand, so it was ended. Apparently the Manager presented some
smart mouth and Diane Shaeffer of our group took him apart. Later the Manager called Bill Stieber, a member of our Yes group, who he recognized as trying to be a peacemaker and invited him back to his office.
In the conversation that developed there, the Manager told Stieber that the City will not contest the measure and he assured him that the Mayor concurs. Apparently they have been advised of their responsibilities.
They will accept that the Measure represents the will of the people.
The discussion included seeking some resolution to the financial problem that the City faces. I told Bill that he had better not pursue this and explained why. He understands and will go no further. I do not
know how they will proceed with budget resolving. We must stand back from that unless invited to the table. We can and will use the website to influence budget proposals, however.
I will attach a picture of the sign for you. I arranged for a man-lift and took care of the patching and painting of the high work before applying the sign. There is still some work to finish from the ground, but the owner wants to do that himself.
I will have Signs Unlimited prepare an invoice to AFP, Oregon c/o yourself. Will that work?
In closing, I will say that is nice to win and it has been made easy because of a good plan and a lot of help. I did not know at the time how this would turn out, but I did know that if it were a Charter amendment, only the people could make changes to that. This really has surprised a lot of quarters. Similar measures have had problems leading to some reversals and that is what the press kept saying was going to happen
Anyway, we appear to have come out of this as a force to be reckoned with.