Subject: Letter to Ed
In the Coos County election cycle, for 2012, for County Commissioner, the elephant is still in the room. We have a representative form of government. Some, don’t know, some want to forget, others want to change
it, our Representative Republic.
One of Messerle’s radio ads, begins with these words. “We’re finding”.
So how shall Coos County move forward, represented by the new formed collective, supporting Fred Messerle. He, relieves himself of responsibly as being in the role of Commissioner, by running to change the
system of governance. His current radio add says. “Were finding.” There is no “I” in that statement, its the collective which will run the County under their new form of government, and it will not be a Representative Republic form of governance.
“Our Coos County model is long outdated and needs to be brought into the 21st Century.” Right out of the Voters’ Pamphlet.
His paper ads:
His “vision and a plan to help”: “Working cooperatively with the County staff and other commissioners”: “Work with colleagues and staff”: ”Work with other County, State and Federal officials and agencies to form strategic partnerships”. His ad shows no interest in listing or working with the people he represents, unless they are colleagues.
Be cautious, you may get what you vote for.
Is our Constitution outdated?
The Coos County Commissioners represent the citizens of the County, as do all elected persons. And the sheriff is, currently, the Chief Law enforcement officer.
So who, or what interest would benefit from changing our current representative republic form of government?
History shows that separating the people from representation, from their government has placed us in our current economic situation.
Government must be slow, and cumbersome. When the representation is removed and includes the special few who are the communicators representing the rest, it is no longer a Representative Republic.