We have launched our first petition of the election season and it is a Referendum Petition here in Bandon.
The referendum will give the voters the chance to choose if they want to increase the debt limit on the Bandon Urban Renewal Agency in area #1. It is an increase from $5.4 million to $12 million till the year 2033.
If you live in Bandon and want to sign the petition, then call or email me at the contact info provided below. Or,
go to Waterman’s Automotive, 385 Grand Ave SE, Bandon, OR 97411.
If you want to help collect signatures, email your mailing address to me and I will send you the petition and the rules on how to gather signatures.
If you are going to collect signatures, it is very important to follow the instructions on the back of the petition.
DO NOT sign or date the petition until you are completely finished collecting signatures.
DO NOT number the petition.
Do Not let allow anyone else to circulate your copy of the petition.
Do Not Cross Off any name on the list.
The petitions are due back by March 31st. Please send the signed sheets back to my address:
Rob Taylor
PO Box 973
Bandon, OR 97411
Phone: 541-347-9942
Email: [email protected]
City of Bandon
CAPTION: Substantial Amendment to the Bandon Area One Urban Renewal Plan.
QUESTION: Shall City of Bandon Ordinance 1595 making a substantial amendment to the Bandon Urban Renewal Area One Plan be approved?
SUMMARY: The Bandon City Council adopted Ordinance 1595 making a substantial amendment to the Urban Renewal Area One Plan to increase its maximum indebtedness from $5,375,225 to $12,003,980. The additional $6,628,755 will be obtained by extending the time Urban Renewal continues to collect revenues from
overlapping districts from 2021 to 2033. Pursuant to State Statutes, the approval of the required number of
overlapping taxing districts providing those revenues has been obtained. The Urban Renewal Area One Plan
amendment proposes to use funds for land property acquisition and capital projects including an eco-tourism visitor’s center, industrial development and infrastructure. Old Town building façade & sign loan/grant program and directional signs. Redmon pond observation platform, boardwalk expansion, boat basin electrical, idewalks & walking trails, parks& recreation facilities, Jetty Road flood drainage protection, public parking and restrooms and partial payment of the water system bonded indebtedness currently paid from City property tax revenues. This Ordinance does not create an increase in current property taxes. A“yes” vote will approve the substantial amendment. A “No” vote will disapprove the substantial amendment.
Rules for:
Petition Circulator
Each petition circulator:
must carry at least one full and correct copy of the text of the initiative or referendum and must allow any person to review the text upon request
must personally witness all signatures the circulator collects
must personally sign their legal signature on the petition circulator’s certification with a minimum of a first name initial and full last name
must provide the date when the certification was signed and should not collect any additional signatures on that sheet after dating the certification
Information: For instructions on certifying new signatures to a petition sheet that has already
been certified and dated by a circulator, see “OAR 165-014-0270 Circulator Certification” on page 38.
must not attempt to obtain the signature of a person knowing that the person signing the petition is not qualified to sign it
must not knowingly make any false statement regarding the contents, meaning or effect of the petition to a prospective signer
must not offer money or anything of value to another person to sign or not sign a petition
must not sell or offer to sell signature sheets
may alter, correct, clarify or obscure any information about the petition signer on the signature sheet, only if the petition signer initials after the changes are made
Information: A circulator may assist a disabled signer who requests assistance in completing
their printed name, address and date signed. Otherwise, only a signer may complete the optional information about themselves. This does not prevent the chief petitioners from placing a line through an entire signature line prior to submission of signatures for verification.
may be paid to obtain signatures on any petition, but must not accept compensation based on the number of signatures obtained
Political committee
Unless otherwise specified, the term “political committee” refers to all candidate committees, measure committees, political party committees, caucus committees, recall committees, and miscellaneous committees.
Petition committee
The term “petition committee” refers to all initiative, referendum, and recall committees associated with a petition’s signature gathering phase.
Two manuals have been developed to help a user navigate through ORESTAR committee organization and campaign finance reporting:
´´The ORESTAR User’s Manual: Statement of Organization explains how to electronically file a Statement of Organization.
´´The ORESTAR User’s Manual: Transaction Filing explains how to electronically file campaign finance transactions.
These manuals are available online: